About CISI Project

Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw is a partner in the international project “Curriculum Innovation for Social Inclusion” CISI – supported by Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) program. The project aims to develop new academic modules /certificate program/training programs enhancing the qualifications and skills of teachers towards special education in Georgian schools. The new academic curriculum will help future and acting school teachers to enhance professional competencies in working with students with special educational needs (SEN). The overall goal of the project (CISI) is to contribute to the process of social inclusion of persons with disabilities by increasing the quality of inclusive education at public schools of Georgia. The project is focusing on developing relevant competencies of future school practitioners – graduates from the Teacher Education Program and support continuous education towards special education for acting teachers and relevant field professionals. Besides, CISI is encouraging the development of more effective collaboration between schools, universities and state agencies.

Based on the above mentioned, CISI is focusing on the following objectives:

  • Development of the new academic modules in special education in Teachers Education Program at CISI member GEO HEIs. The new modules will be based on the National Standards of Special Teacher – The new courses will respond to the requirement set up in this document;
  • Development of the 60 credit Certificate Program in special education for school/field practitioners – This program will be available for school teachers, psychologists and social workers if they wish to deepen knowledge in this field and obtain a status of a special teacher.
  • Development of the training programs in special education for all interested groups – school practitioners, students, academic staff, NGO representatives – these programs will cover introduction in special education and those topics that are most demanded for school/field practitioners.
  • Strengthening collaboration of schools, universities, civic organizations and MoESCSG towards improving quality of inclusive education – CISI will initiate new ways of collaboration between these institutions.

From the partner side this project is implemented by the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of Education team:

  • dr Urszula Markowska-Manista – Project Manager and Researcher
  • dr Monika Skura – Researcher
  • prof. Małgorzata Żytko – Researcher
  • prof. Anna Zielińska – Researcher
  • mgr Justyna Pałczyńska-Janiak (2020-I.2021) – Project Assistant
  • mgr Zuzanna Narkun (III-VI.2021) – Project Assistant
  • mgr Agata Słoma (VI.2021-….) – Project Assistant
  • Agnieszka Dorocka – Financial Manager

Curriculum Innovation for Social Inclusion (CISI), Course Development Workshop
Working Groups No 1,2,3,4, 24-25, August, 2021 Bakuriani, Georgia

In May 2021, the Polish team conducted an online workshop for teachers and educators: “PARENTS AT SCHOOL – COMMUNICATION, RELATIONSHIPS, CONTRIBUTION”, developed within this project. The workshop was attended by principals and teachers from schools in Georgia.

We also prepared materials for headmasters and teachers entitled “PARENTS AT SCHOOL
– COMMUNICATION, RELATIONSHIPS, CONTRIBUTION”, which were translated into Georgian:
U.Markowska-Manista, M.Skura, A.Zielińska, M.Żytko & CISI Consortium. (2021), მშობლები სკოლაში – კომუნიკაცია, ურთიერთობები, კონტრიბუცია, CISI პროექტი, ვარშავა.

“Innovations in the Curriculum to Support Social Inclusion ′′ is the second project aimed at empowering elementary school teachers in the practice of inclusive education. The project has developed an interesting syllabus and has included two courses in the 300 credit teacher training program: ′′ Working with autism spectrum in school “, ′′ Teaching methodology for learning disabilities ′ at Tbilisi State University – we are happy to be a part of the piloting and monitoring process of this program (November 2021 – February 2022).

More on the project FB: https://www.facebook.com/CISI-Curriculum-Innovation-for-Social-Inclusion-106348591535250/

In 2022, we are conducting field research in Georgia, monitoring innovative classes at 4 universities in Georgia, and holding seminars for teachers working in schools in Batumi, Kutaisi, Tbilisi and Telavi.

From October 10-14, 2022, a visit of Georgian academic teachers within the framework of the Curriculum Innovation for Social Inclusion (CISI) project took place at the Faculty of Education, the University of Warsaw in Poland.

WG II members attended lectures

, and workshops and made a series of study visits to observe and learn about the education of students with special developmental needs in Poland and about how such institutions function in the education system in Poland.

More: REPORT FROM THE STUDY VISIT. Project Meeting, 10th– 14th OCTOBER 2022, UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW, POLAND report studfy visit October WG II Warsaw U Markowska-Manista