The fee for participation in IRSS 2023 is  EUR 195 (PLN 930) and is collected for the school costs for:
a) organization of sessions, lectures and the IRSS 2023 laboratory along with individual consultations as part of the research project of the IRSS 2023 study
b) organization of coffee and lunch breaks during the school
c) production of conference materials

The participation fee in IRSS 2023 should be transferred by March 22nd 2023 to the following account number:

PL 69 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 9408

TITLE:  IRSS 2023 – [Participant’s name and surname]

In the title of the transfer, please enter: IRSS 2023 – [Participant’s name and surname]
Example: IRSS 2023 – Paul Smith