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Manuscript submisison

Authors should submit a copy of their manuscript with a short summary and a list of keywords. All copy, including quotations, notes and references, must be double−spaced, allowing generous margins at top, bottom, and sides of page.

Tables should be typed on separate pages; please refer to each in numerical order in the text. Illustrations and figures should be also typed out on a separete sheet.

Please provide full names of authors, when citing them the first time in the text. Acronyms for names of organisations, institutions, etc. should be preceded by the full title.

Articles submitted in appropriate form will be refereed blind. Please exclude author’s name, institutions, and clues to the author’s identity that exist within the manuscript. A separate page should carry the title, and author’s name and author’s affiliation.

On a separate sheet, please provide a short biographical description of the author; when there are more than one author, please submit biographical descriptions for all of them. Please attach the full postal and e-mail address of the author who will check proofs and receive correspondence.

Manuscripts should be sent on a disk or via e-mail (r.p.godon@uw.edu.pl).


References to books, monographs, articles, and statistical sources must be identified at appropriate point in text by author’s last name, publication year, and pagination where appropriate, as indicated.

  • When author’s name is in text: Jaeger (2000); when author’s name is not in text: (Jaeger 2000: 5).
  • With more than one reference to an author in one year, distinguish them by use of letters (a, b) attached to the publication year: (Kozakiewicz 2001a; Kozakiewicz 2001b).
  • With a series of references, enclose them within one pair of parentheses, separated by semicolons and arranged in chronological order (Nowak 2000; Kowalski 2007)
  • For institutional authorship, identify from the beginning of complete citation: e.g. (Act of Jan. 26, 1982 – Teacher’s Charter)
  • With dual authorship, give both names; for three or more, use 'et al.’

The references should be listed alphabetically by author and, within author, by publication year, at the end of the paper in the following standard form:

  • For books:

Ricoeur, P. (2000) The just. D. Pellauer (trans.). Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

Siegel, H. (1996) Educating Reason. New York: Routledge.

Hofer, B. and Pintrich, P. (eds.) (2002) Epistemology: The Psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

  • For chapters within books:

Burbules, N.C. (1995) Authority and the tragic dimension of teaching, in J.W. Garrison and A.G. Rud Jr (eds.), The educational conversation. Closing the gap. New York: State University of New York Press, pp. 29-40.

  • For articles:

Konarzewski, K. (2003) A sketch of a theory of educational reform, Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny,1-2, pp. 1-10.

  • For institutional authorship:

Act of Jan. 26, 1982 – Teacher’s Charter (unified text: Journal of Laws of 2006 No. 97, item 674 with amendments).

  • For online publications:

 Teresa Hejnicka-Bezwińska, Teraźniejszość w dialogu z edukacyjną przeszłością (po roku 1989), available online at: http://www.pedagog.uw.edu.pl/THE/Hejnicka.pdf (accessed 25 January 2014).

Please note that names of publishers should not be abbreviated.

We accept texts in English or Polish.