Międzynarodowe Seminarium Wydziału Pedagogicznego UW: 04.12.2017, godz. 13.30
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w Międzynarodowym Seminarium WPUW z udziałem Pani Christiny Chavarrii z Muzeum Holokaustu w Waszyngtonie w dn. 4 grudnia o godz. 13 30, sala 507
Christina Chavarría is a Program Coordinator at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. She has represented the Museum in the US, Europe, Latin America, and Japan. She holds a BA and MA in comparative literature. Her interests lie in Holocaust literature and education, engaging new audiences and partners, and studying and disseminating information on the impact and history of the Holocaust in the Ibero-American world. She is currently working on the Americans and the Holocaust Initiative, set to be unveiled for the USHMM’s 25th anniversary in April 2018. Previously, Christina Chavarría served as Director of Education at Holocaust Museum Houston for six and a half years. Prior to that, she was a high school English teacher for eight years in El Paso, Texas.
Współorganizacja: dr Magdalena Kuleta-Hulboj