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Międzynarodowe Seminarium WP UW: “Thinking like a child” i “Global awareness”: 24 i 25 lutego 2018

Szanowni Państwo,

uprzejmie zapraszamy na spotkania w ramach Międzynarodowego Seminarium Wydziału Pedagogicznego UW.

24 lutego o godz. 11.45 naszym gościem będzie prof. Bipin Indurkhy, który wygłosi wykład “Thinking like a child”.

25 lutego o godz. 10.00 — Patricia McGahan będzie mówiła na temat “Global awareness”.

Organizatorem spotkań jest p. mgr Justyna Pałczyńska.

Szczegóły wydarzeń poniżej

Serdecznie zapraszam do udziału w spotkaniach seminaryjnych,

Rafał Godoń

koordynator Międzynarodowego Seminarium WPUW


Lecture1: Saturday, 24.02.2018, 11:45-14:00, room 414  “Thinking like a child” prof. Bipin Indurkhya

An oft-touted mantra for creativity is: think like a child. We will focus on one particular aspect of child-like thinking here, namely surface similarities. Developmental psychology has convincingly demonstrated, time and again, that younger children use surface similarities for categorisation and related tasks; only as they grow older they start to consider functional and structural similarities. We will consider examples of puzzles, research on creative problem solving, and two of our recent empirical studies to demonstrate how surface similarities can stimulate creative thinking. We will examine the implications of this approach for designing creativity-support systems.

Bipin Indurkhya did his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA) in 1985. He spent about twelve years teaching at various universities in the US, most of which was at Boston University. After that he was at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan for over eight years. He moved to International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT)-Hyderabad in 2004, where he established a Cognitive Science Lab. Since September 2011, he has been with the Jagiellonian University and AGH University of Science and Technology, both in Kraków, Poland. Since 2016, he has also been a visiting faculty member at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan and working on establishing collaborative research activities between Japan and Poland. His current research activities include visual metaphors, computational creativity, multimodal affective computing (especially the role of haptic stimuli), application of cognitive science to design intuitive interfaces, human-robot interaction, and modelling programming as a cognitive process.


Lecture 2:  Sunday, 25.02.2018, 10:00-11:30, room 414 – “Global Awareness” Patricia McGahan

Topics included: Investigating the World, Communicating Ideas, Recognising Perspectives, Taking Action. Patricia McGahan, global challenger and educator at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, for more then twenty years, is involved with teaching academic content as well as research writing and presenting in Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Applied Chemistry, Chemical Systems Engineering, Mechanical Systems Engineering, Applied Physics and Information Sciences. She is also working at Tokyo Institute of Technology with a special grant program teaching a global awareness program. Patricia has a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from California State University, Chico, USA. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she recruited with Sony and went to live and work in Tokyo, Japan. During that time she developed an interest in videography and hence produced internationally distributed documentary videos. In addition, she has done master’s studies in education through Temple University. Patricia has a wide variety of interests including photography and travel.