28.02.2023: Międzynarodowe Seminarium Wydziału Pedagogicznego UW
Kolejne Międzynarodowe Seminarium Wydziału Pedagogicznego UW odbędzie się 28 lutego 2023 o godz. 11:45 w sali 414.
Naszym gościem będzie jeszcze raz prof. Dorit Tubin. Wykład: The schooling and the Israeli culture
Each country has its own dominant national culture, which it transmits to the next generation through the visible and hidden curriculum in schools. It is possible to study the transfer of values such as power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism-collectivism by observing the behavior of teachers and students in the classroom. Examples of such cultural transmission in Israeli schools will be discussed during the meeting.
Dorit Tubin is an associate professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, where she chairs the organizational counselling preparation program in the School of Education. Her research interests revolve around educational organizations, including school effectiveness, educational leadership, professional development for principals and teachers, innovative learning environments, and the impact of national culture on schooling.
Organizatorką spotkania jest prof. Joanna Madalińska-Michalak.