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28.03.2023: Międzynarodowe Seminarium Wydziału Pedagogicznego UW

Serdecznie zapraszam na wykład „The Child and Family Support System in Romania”, który odbędzie się w ramach Międzynarodowego Seminarium WP UW we wtorek, 28 marca o godz. 13.30 w sali 413 na Wydziale Pedagogicznym UW.

Wygłoszą go dr Alina Turculet i prof. Daniela Popa z Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.

Organizatorka: Urszula Markowska-Manista

Z pozdrowieniami,

Rafał Godoń

ALINA TURCULEȚ is Lecturer, PhD in The Teacher Training Department, at Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. She teaches core pedagogical subjects, educational policies, and applied statistics. She
has a major interest in highlighting the determinants of personal effectiveness and organizational efficacy. She is member of Romanian team that provided the country report for TIMSS 2019, and member of
ARCE, Romanian National Research Association, affiliated to EERA, European Educational Research Association.


DANIELA POPA is the director Teacher Training Department and Associate Professor at Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, Department of Psychology, Education and Teacher Training. Daniela’s research interests are on learning difficulties (main topic), educational psychology, language disorder therapy, research ethics, and education for sustainability. She has a BA and 2 MA in Educational sciences and Psychology, and she holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Bucharest (Romania) with a dissertation about self-regulated learning strategies for students with learning difficulties. She authored a book concerning strategies to stimulate self-regulated learning in students with learning difficulties, one book on therapeutic approaches to communication disorders, co-authored a textbook of collaboration in designing a pedagogical approach in information literacy. She has coordinated 3 volumes covering aspects related to the dimensions involved in special education, the status of optional subjects in the national curriculum and a methodological guide for the subject Counselling and personal development for integrated special needs education. She authored and co-authored over fifty scientific articles and book chapters.