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dr Kamila Wichrowska


Zakład Wczesnej Edukacji i Kształcenia Nauczycieli, Zakład Wczesnej Edukacji i Kształcenia Nauczycieli

022 553 08 58



Zainteresowania naukowe:

wczesne nauczanie języka angielskiego, wczesna opieka, wychowanie i edukacja dzieci, edukacja przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna

Wybrane publikacje:

Aktywność naukowa:

2023-2026 Project: Stories4all: Developing Innovative Pedagogies and Tools to enable the Establishment and Sustenance of Communities of Educators Promoting Empathy and Social Inclusion via Digital Stories for All;
2023-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000164993; 10/2023–9/2026

2019-2022 Project: PARTICIPA Professional Development Tools Supporting Participation Rights in Early Childhood Education 2019-1-

2018-2021 Project: BRIDGING Building Educational Bridges in the City; KA201-047392

2018-2020 Project: BECERID: A Blog as open learning platform for the field of Early Childhood Education about Research and Innovation to support Disadvantaged and Diverse children; 2017-1-BE02-KA201-034755: Blog Czym skorupka

2017-2019 Project: ISOTIS: Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society Grant agreement no. 727069 (Horizon 2020)

2014-2016 Project: CARE: Curriculum Quality Analysis andImpact Review of European Early
Childhood Education and Care Grant agreement no.613318 (FP7)

2007-2011 Project: ELLIE: Early Language Learning in Europe; Project number 135632-LLP-2007-UK-KA1SCR

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3559-9706