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dr / PhD Urszula Markowska-Manista


Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej, Zakład Pedagogiki Społecznej/Department of Social Pedagogy, Pracownia Badań nad Środowiskami Wychowawczymi /Research on Educational Environments Section

członkini Rady Naukowej Dyscypliny Pedagogika/Member of The Scientific Board in Education
członkini Laboratorium badań nad różnorodnością/ member of the Research Laboratory on Diversity


pok. 333 / room 333, wtorki parzyste/even Tuesdays 17.00-18.00CET, sala/room: 333; poniedziałek parzysty/even Mondays 17-18.00CET [Meet]
proszę o wczesniejsze e-mailowe umawianie spotkań/students are requested to make an appointment in advance via e-mail.

Zainteresowania naukowe:

I'm a field researcher. For the last two decades, I have been researching extensively on topics related to migration, childhood(s) and youth studies through postcolonial and decolonial perspectives, participatory approaches to research, children's rights among children "on the move" and "out of place", education of children and young people with a migrant background and education in pre-dysfunctional contexts and culturally diversified environments.

I self-identify as a researcher of childhoods and education in sensitive, culturally diverse environments, conducting fieldwork in a variety of contexts (the Horn of Africa, Central Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, and the South Caucasus). My work draws on inclusive and participatory approaches in social research, decolonial methodologies, interclusion and ethical symmetry. I have been in academia for 20 years and have held positions at universities in Poland and Germany. From 2016-2021 I served as director (FU Berlin 2016) and co-director (2017-2021 FH Potsdam) of the international MA Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (MACR) programme and from 2017-2018 as head of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at the APS. Currently, I'm an assistant professor and researcher at the University of Warsaw (Faculty of Education) and a guest professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Germany (2023/2024). Two decades of successful international research experience have resulted in recognised research projects, academic publications, and expert reports.

PhD in Education. Her professional career includes 20 years of international research and intercultural teaching experiences at various HEI's levels and educational centres. She participates as an expert, guest professor in international studies and internationally trains professionals in the field of education. She is a researcher and assistant professor at a research university (UW). She is a member of the scientific committees of conferences and contributes to the  committees of national and international journals.

Selected international cooperation/research projects:

Regional Editor for Poland Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies (Childhood and Youth), Bloomsbury Academic UK 2022-2024.

Researcher in the international project “Building Inclusion, Sustaining Solidarity: Frontline Host Communities, Distress Migrants, and the Role of States”. The project is led by Jacqueline Bhabha, Professor at Harvard Chan School of Public Health, USA, 2022 -2023.

Researcher in the international project "Impactful and sustainable policy change for migrant education" Sirius 3.0, European Commission, Co-funded by the European Union, European Education and Culture Executive,  2023-2027.

Member of the Research Laboratory on Diversity, UW http://legal-communication.iksi.uw.edu.pl/lab-on-diversity/

Member of the Research Group "Accessible Pedagogies"/Grupo de investigación Pedagogías Accesibles (2024...), University Camilo José Cela, Spain.

Member of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Intercultural Education and Communication, UW (2022-2024)https://www.interculturaleducation.wn.uw.edu.pl/

Researcher in PARTICIPA project "Professional Development Tools Supporting Participation Rights in Early Childhood Education": https://child-participation.eu/

Co-author of the tool: Wysłowska, O., Taelman, H., Boderé, A., Markowska-Manista, U., & members of the PARTICIPA Consortium. (2021). Promoting children’s participation rights in early childhood education and care: Self-assessment tool for professionals. PARTICIPA, Project No. 2019-1-PT01- KA202-060950. DOI: 10.15847/CISPARTICIPA.SAT01.2021.05 ISBN: 978-989-781-456-3 https://child-participation.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/PARTICIPA-Brochure-EN-print-24052022.pdf

Co-researcher (in cooperation with young people) in a participatory research project  2020/21 https://prom.info.pl/badanie-mlodzi-w-czasach-koronawirusa/ and co-researcher in participatory research with young people in socially fragile contexts "Participatory field research in a rehabilitation center" 2021.

Academic interests

  • field research, participatory (community) oriented research methodologies, action research, ethics in participatory research and codes of participatory research in migration and childhood(s) studies

  • childhood(s) studies and children's rights in “fragile contexts” analysed through decolonial approaches & postcolonial perspectives, conducted in the stream of female, indigenous field research in culturally diverse backgrounds;

  • field research on the daily life and education of children and adolescents from minority groups in Central Africa, the Horn of Africa, the South Caucasus, CEE (Ukraine and Poland);

  • research on the social adaptation as well as social and cultural conditioning of development of children (marginalised and excluded from school education in culturally diverse backgrounds),

  • children on the move, children “out of place”, genocide studies and “difficult knowledge”,

  • interclusion and inclusion in educationindigenous education, education of national and ethnic minorities, education of children with a migrant background

  • the (re)production of social inequalities and the rights in education of children migrants in CEE, Central Africa, the Horn of Africa, and the South Caucasus.

Zainteresowania naukowe

Prowadzę badania terenowe i partycypacyjne. Moja działalność naukowa koncentruje się na problematyce migracji, studiów nad dzieciństwem w perspektywie międzykulturowej, dotyczy m.in. dziecka marginalizowanego i dyskryminowanego i jego praw w kontekście edukacji (praw w edukacji) i wychowania w różnorodnych kulturowo środowiskach oraz w procesie migracji. Prowadzę badania w Afryce Środkowej, w Rogu Afryki, na Kaukazie oraz wśród migrantów w tym osób z doświadczeniem uchodźstwa z Ukrainy i z mniejszości w Polsce. Nie ograniczam się wyłącznie do działań naukowo-badawczych, ale także wykorzystuję wiedzę naukową w praktyce (prowadząc szkolenia, konsultując koncepcje badań i narzędzia badawcze w metodologiach badań zorientowanych na dzieci i młodzież).

  • badania terenowe, partycypacyjne, badania w działaniu, etyka badań partycypacyjnych i kody badań partycypacyjnych oraz narzędzia badawcze w studiach migracyjnych i (s)prawach dzieci;

  • studia nad dzieciństwem i prawami dzieci w tzw. „wrażliwych/predysfunkcyjnych kontekstach” analizowane w podejściach dekolonialnych i perspektywie postkolonialnej, realizowane w nurcie kobiecych, indygenicznych badań terenowych w środowiskach zróżnicowanych kulturowo;

  • badania życia codziennego i edukacji dzieci i młodzieży z grup uchodźczych i mniejszościowych w Afryce Środkowej, w Rogu Afryki, na Kaukazie Płd.;

  • badania dotyczące adaptacji społecznej oraz społecznych i kulturowych uwarunkowań funkcjonowania dziecka marginalizowanego, wykluczonego w edukacji szkolnej w środowiskach zróżnicowanych kulturowo;

  • dzieci w drodze (children on the move), dzieci bez miejsca (children „out of place”); studia nad ludobójstwami i „trudna wiedza”(difficult knowledge);

  • inkluzja, partycypacja w edukacji, wychowanie i edukacja rdzenna (indigenous education), edukacja mniejszości narodowych, etnicznych, dzieci z kontekstem migracyjnym;

  • (re)produkcja nierówności a prawa w edukacji dzieci migrantów w Europie Środkowej, Afryce Środkowej, w Rogu Afryki i na Kaukazie Płd.


ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0667-4164

MACR Childhood Studies and Children's Rights 


Wybrane publikacje:



U. Markowska-Manista, Participatory approaches to research with children and social justice (2025). M. Tesar (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Early Childhoods and Childhood Studies, Bloomsbury Publishing (in press).

M.Liebel & U.Markowska-Manista, (2025), Against adultism in research with and about migrant children. Outlines of a child-
centred approach, In: B.Gornik at al. (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Migrant Children and Child-centred Approach, Oxford University Press (in press).

J. Bhabha, V. Digidiki Lucero, U. Markowska-Manista, (2025), The Impact of Host Society Solidarity on the human rights of refugee children fleeing conflict: Case studies from Greece and Poland, In: RR. Marín, D.E. Tanck, B. Menezes Queiroz and F. Staiano, HANDBOOK HUMAN RIGHTS AND MIGRATION: GOVERNANCE CHALLENGES IN TIMES OF CRISIS, Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming).

U.Markowska-Manista (2025), Militarisation of childhood(s) and young people’s voices. Analyses from the frontline Ukraine and Poland, in: J. Marshall Beier, J. Tabak (Eds.), Militarism in the Lifeworlds of Children, Manchester University Press (in preparation).

U.Markowska-Manista (2025),  Gendr-based violence as a sensitive topic in female research with vulnerable groups in
sensitive contexts. An introspective approach to women's fieldwork, in: C.Borda (eds.),Innovative Approaches for Studying Gender-Based Violence, Routledge, London-New York.

U.Markowska-Manista, O. Ovcharenko, M.Żelazowska-Sobczyk (2025). Students with migration backgrounds and special needs: Rights to and in education in the Polish context, in: M. Bacakova (IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany), W. Veck (University of Winchester, UK), J. Wharton (University of Winchester, UK) (ed). Forced Migration, Disability and Education: Inclusion and exclusion at the intersection of displacement and disablement  context, Routledge, (accepted).

U.Markowska-Manista, Sexual Violence against refugee children as a sensitive topic – an analytical approach from childhood studies, In: S. Bluhm, T. Koepp, F. Lorenz-Sinai, K. McRobert, M. Wittfeld (eds) „Bei uns nicht“ – Zur (Un-)Vorstellbarkeit von sexualisierter Gewalt im nahen Umfeld, VS Verlag, Reihe „Sexuelle Gewalt in Kindheit und Jugend: Forschung als Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung“, Hrsg. von S. Andresen, P. Briken, B. Kavemann, H. Keupp, 2025 (in preparation).

U. Markowska-Manista, W stronę klimatycznych potrzeb dzieci -  'zespół deficytu natury', Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 2025.

U.Markowska-Manista (2025), Country Overview Youth, in: U.Markowska-Manista  (ed.) Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, Bloomsbury Academic UK, London, ISBN: 9781474209151.(in preparation).

U.Markowska-Manista Country Overview - Childhood, (2025), Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, Bloomsbury Academic UK, London, ISBN: 9781474209151.(in press).

U.Markowska-Manista, S.Styrkacz, Aspirations of young people from the Roma community and the need for decolonization (in) education in the Polish context - ‘’What is it like and why is it so?’ (2025). In: Decolonial Education and Youth Aspirations (eds) N. Mandivenga, S.Camacho Felix, Global Policy Journal, Wiley.


Digidiki, V., Bhabha, J., Markowska-Manista, U. & Dobkowska, J. (2024). Building Inclusion, Sustaining Solidarity towards migrants in frontline local communities: The case of Poland during the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis. Harvard FXB Center for Health and Human Rights, Boston, USA: https://fxb.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2464/2024/01/Poland-Building-Inclusion-Sustaining-Solidarity-Report.pdf

U.Markowska-Manista, O.Ovcharenko (2024), Nastolatki z Ukrainy w Polsce – wyzwania w pracy psychologiczno-edukacyjnej z młodymi migrantami wojennymi, w: M.Kolankiewicz i V.Korniat (red). Pomoc dzieciom ukraińskim w czasie wojny, Wyd. UW, Warszawa, ss. 113-137 (w przygotowaniu).

S. Araújo de Barros, N.Correia, C. Aguiar, Ε, ΠεντέρηO, P.Konstantinos, Wysłowska, U.Markowska-Manista, M. M. Pessanha de Brito e Nóbrega, C. Pereira Guimarães, V. L. Marques Coelho, A Focus Group Study on Participatory Practices in Early Childhood Education and Care across Four European Countries, Early Education and Development Taylor & Francis, 2024, DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2024.2360868

U.Markowska-Manista, (2024), Wyzwania i dylematy etyczne w badaniach z udziałem dzieci z doświadczeniem migracji we wrażliwych kontekstach, Dziecko Krzywdzone. Teoria, Badania, Praktyka, 2024 (w druku).

U.Markowska-Manista, (2024), Inclusion and Marginalization of Learners, In: Joanna Dobkowska (Regional Editor) and Bill Corsaro (Editor in Chief), Primary Education BECS, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, ISBN: 9781474209151.

Markowska-Manista, U., & Baranowski, M. (2024). Diversity and multiplicity in uncertain times: the category of “difficult knowledge” in the sensitive contexts of education and social research. Przegląd Krytyczny, 6(1), 7–12. https://doi.org/10.14746/pk.2024.6.1.1

U.Markowska-Manista, (2024) SPRAWCZOŚĆ w: (red.) A.Grabowska, Podręcznik K'IDS, HOLISTIC THINK TANK (w przygotowaniu).

T. Makharadze, A.Kitiashvili, U.Markowska-Manista, T.Abashidze, I.Zhvania, T.Gagoshidze et al. Inclusive Education in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Georgia—Main barriers and facilitators, The International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2024 (in review).

M. Liebel in collaboration with U. Markowska-Manista, M.Martínez-Muñoz  (2024). “Infancias desde el Sur Global”, Editorial El Colectivo, 1a ed - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: El Colectivo; México: Bajo Tierra Ediciones, 2024, ISBN 978-987-8484-39-6.

U. Markowska-Manista i O. Ovcharenko, „W mojej głowie wojna” – interwencje kryzysowe w zakresie wsparcia psychologicznego kierowane do dzieci z doświadczeniem migracji z Ukrainy, w sytuacji zagrożenia, Dziecko Krzywdzone. Teoria, Badania, Praktyka, 2024/23(2), 108–147.

U.Markowska-Manista (2024), Methodologies in researching orders of difference in childhood and education studies in the CEE context, in: C. Machold & R. Bak (eds). Order(s) of Difference in Childhood and Education. Institutionalisation, Subjectivities, Methodology and Pedagogical Implications, Palgrave Macmillan, Series: *Critical Cultural Studies of Childhood*  (in preparation).

Skura M., Markowska-Manista U. Working with students from diverse cultural backgrounds: experiences of Polish teachers from various types of schools, Studia z Teorii Wychowania,  2024; XV (2 (47)): 129-147; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0054.6583. 

U.Markowska-Manista, M.Cywinska, K.Górak-Sosnowska, L.Tomaszewska, “Invisible, indispensable”, yet in place. Ethnographic pictures of administrative staff during COVID-19 at Polish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), (2024), S.J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni et al. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Decolonization, London, Routledge (accepted).

U.Markowska-Manista, (2024). O badaniach partycypacyjnych z wrażliwymi grupami we wrażliwych kontekstach, w: U.Markowska-Manista, M.Kołaczek, J. Talewicz (red). Raport: Jesteśmy nigdzie. Sytuacja dzieci romskich z Ukrainy w świetle badań partycypacyjnych w społeczności, Fundacja w Stronę Dialogu, UNICEF, Warszawa: https://fundacjawstronedialogu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/RAPORT-wersja-PL.pdf

U.Markowska-Manista & M. Baranowski (ed.), Diversity and Plurality in Uncertain Times - Special Issue, Przegląd Krytyczny (6)1, 2024: https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/pk/issue/view/2869

U. Markowska-Manista i O. Ovcharenko, Psychologische Kriseninterventionen ukrainischer Fachkräfte für Kinder – Migrant*innen in Not. Eine Fallstudie ukrainischer Flüchtlinge in Polen, Neue Praxis - Zeitschrift für Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik und Sozialpolitik, 2024.

Translations/ Tłumaczenia

Lea Deutsch: ein Kind des Schauspiels, der Musik und des Tanzes by M.Bitunjac Tom 231 z Jüdische Miniaturen, (2019) (in preparation).

Reports and reviews

Markowska-Manista U. Poland in: SIRIUS WATCH 2024. Towards Better Data for Migrant Education: A Mapping of Data Availability in 14 EU Member States. Sinem Yilmaz, Migration Policy Group, May 2024 https://www.sirius-migrationeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/SIRIUS-Watch-2024_def.pdf

U. Markowska-Manista (2024), Forced Migrant Students from Ukraine In Poland – Educationas a Challenge, Newsletter ISA RC53 Sociology of Childhood, June 2024, pp. 12-13

U.Markowska-Manista, M.Kołaczek, J. Talewicz, (2024). Raport: Jesteśmy nigdzie. Sytuacja dzieci romskich z Ukrainy w świetle badań partycypacyjnych w społeczności, Fundacja w Stronę Dialogu, UNICEF, Warszawa.

U.Markowska-Manista, Sprawozdanie z projektu i seminarium CISI finalizującego międzynarodowy projekt: Curriculum Innovation for Social Inclusion CISI, Applied Linguistics Papers, (27/4, 2023)2024, 83-86 http://alp.uw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/sites/315/2024/07/010_ALP_28_1_Report_Markowska-Manista-Urszula.pdf.

Markowska-Manista, U., Tomaszewska-Pękała, H., Zubala, E. (2024). European COSI.ed Model. Co-created approach to supporting inclusive strategies in working with young people at risk of social exclusion. Warsaw: Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw https://cosied.eu/documents

Tomaszewska-Pękała, H., Zubala, E., Markowska-Manista, U. (Eds.). (2024). Report on analysis of
regional COSI.ed models, Warsaw: Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw https://cosied.eu/documents


M. Liebel with R.Budde, U.Markowska-Manista, P. Meade (2023), Childhoods of the Global South. Children’s Rights and Resistance, Bristol: Policy Press/Bristol University Press, ISBN 978-1447370413 https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/childhoods-of-the-global-south

M. Cywińska, K. Górak-Sosnowska, U.Markowska-Manista, (2023). Decolonising "those who are not" in Polish higher education institutions (HEIs) In A. CohenMiller, T. Hinton-Smith, F. Mazanderani, & N. Samuel, Leading change in gender and diversity in higher education from margins to mainstream (ch. X). Routledge, DOI: 10.4324/9781003286943-16, pp. 208-232.

U.Markowska-Manista, J.Dobkowska, M.Balkan, W poszukiwaniu modelu partycypacyjnego w edukacji międzykulturowej uczniów i uczennic ze zróżnicowanym kontekstem społeczno-kulturowym - doniesienie z badań, Edukacja Międzykulturowa, 2(21)2023, 163-176,  DOI: 10.15804/em.2023.02.11 https://czasopisma.marszalek.com.pl/images/pliki/em/21/em2111.pdf 


U.Markowska-Manista (ed.) (2023), Childhood, in: U.Markowska-Manista  (ed.) Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, Bloomsbury Academic UK, London, 9781474209151.

U.Markowska-Manista, Exploring the planes of truth and equality in and through education-BECS featured content (2023), Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, Bloomsbury Academic UK, London https://www.becs-bloomsbury.com/featured-content?fbclid=IwAR1skJfzc5VxA5_fbCpdyPRikMufZinPKrkO0PE-IXV20HBOvWjcdlF90Vc

M. Bitunjac & U. Markowska-Manista (2023) ,Girls’ Voices: Jewish Teenage Diarists from Central and Eastern Europe as Witnesses of the Holocaust and Cultural Resisters in Concentration Camps and Ghettos, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 37/1, Spring 2023,  63–73, https://doi.org/10.1093/hgs/dcac061

M. Liebel & U.Markowska-Manista, (2023), Ethical challenges of research with children of the Global South, In M. Liebel et al., Childhoods of the Global South. Children’s Rights and Resistance, Policy Press/Bristol University Press.

Gmiterek, G., Jawor, A., Markowska-Manista, U., & Woźniak-Kasperek, J. (2023). Polskie biblioteki publiczne w obliczu wyzwań dotyczących migracji z Ukrainy. Propozycja metodologii badań. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia20, 320–333. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811861.20.20

U. Markowska-Manista & M.Liebel, (2023), Research with Migrant Children from countries of the Global South. From ethical challenges to the decolonisation of research in the sensitive contexts of modernity In Global Migration and Diversity of Educational Experiences in the Global South and North, Routledge, London: https://www.routledge.com/Global-Migration-and-Diversity-of-Educational-Experiences-in-the-Global/Arun-Badwan-Taibi-Batool/p/book/9781032380315

C. Maier-Höfer, U. Markowska-Manista, N. Stellakis (Eds). (2023) Theorien und Praktiken der Selbstbestimmung und Partzipation: Janusz Korczak im Diskurs/ Theories and practices of self-determination and participation: Janusz Korczak in discourse, Springer, ISBN 978-3-658-30763-9 (forthcoming) https://link.springer.com/book/9783658307639

U. Markowska-Manista, N. Palaiologou (2023), INTERCLUSION: TOWARDS A NEW NOTION, A NEW MODEL, IAIE 2022 Conference Proceedings Intercultural Education on the Move: Facing Old and New Challenges, (Ed) N. Palaiologou & E. Samsari, International Association for Intercultural Education ISBN: 9789090370255.

U. Markowska-Manista, (2023), Negotiating “home”? Education in the reconstructed place and spaces of Dadaab refugee ‘city-state’. In: K. Sobczak-Szelc, M. Pachocka, J. Szałańska (Eds). Integration on the Labour Market, In Education and Housing from a Socio-Spatial Perspective, Routledge, ISBN 9781032116662, DOI: 10.4324/9781003228967-7 https://www.routledge.com/The-Integration-of-Refugees-in-the-Education-and-Labour-Markets-Between/Sobczak-Szelc-Pachocka-Szaaska/p/book/9781032116662#

Markowska-Manista, U. (2023). Children’s Rights in a Situation of War in Ukraine. Korczak’s Pedagogy as ‘Difficult Knowledge’ for Adults. In: Maier-Höfer, C., Markowska-Manista, U., Stellakis, N. (eds) Theorien und Praktiken der Selbstbestimmung und Partizipation: Janusz Korczak im Diskurs. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-30764-6_13

Markowska-Manista Urszula, Children at the crossroads of education. Ba’Aka –contemporary hunter-gatherers in the face of tradition and developmental transformations, Warszawa, ISBN 978-83-64953-80-4 (forthcoming).

Correia, N., Aguiar, C., & The Participa Consortium: Correia, N.; Aguiar, C.; Taelman, H.; Boderé, A.; Petrogiannis, K.; Penderi, E.; Karachristos, C.; Stavropoulos, E.; Wyslowska, O.; Markowska-Manista, U.; Mesquita, C.; Ribeiro, L.; Barros, S.;  Araújo, S.; Pessanha, M.; Guimarães, C.; Coelho, V.; Correia, I.; Magalhães, E.; Figueiredo, V.; Almeida, F.;. (2022). Children’s Right to Participate: The Lundy Model Applied to Early Childhood Education and Care, The International Journal of Children's Rights, 30(2), 378-405. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/15718182-30020010

U.Markowska-Manista, (2023) „O MŁODZIEŻY Z OSTRZELANEGO AUTOBUSU”; W: M. Paluch (red.), Słownik Wyrazów Ratujących Życie, Warszawa: Wyd. UKSW, 978-83-8281-233-6. https://wydawnictwo.uksw.edu.pl/img/cms/e-booki/S%C5%82ownik%20wyrazo%CC%81w%20ratuja%CC%A8cych%20z%CC%87ycie.pdf 

U.Markowska-Manista, (2023) „O BOHATERACH DRUGIEGO PLANU” W: M. Paluch (red.), Słownik Wyrazów Ratujących Życie, Warszawa: Wyd. UKSW, 978-83-8281-233-6. https://wydawnictwo.uksw.edu.pl/img/cms/e-booki/S%C5%82ownik%20wyrazo%CC%81w%20ratuja%CC%A8cych%20z%CC%87ycie.pdf

U. Markowska-Manista, (2023). Children's rights in a situation of war. Korczak's pedagogy as 'difficult knowledge' for adults, In: C. Maier-Höfer, U. Markowska-Manista, N. Stellakis (Eds). Theorien und Praktiken der Selbstbestimmung und Partzipation: Janusz Korczak im Diskurs/ Theories and practices of self-determination and participation: Janusz Korczak in discourse, Springer, (forthcoming).

U.Markowska-Manista, Cultural Dimensions of Lesson in Dying. R. Tagore’s drama “The Post Office” in Janusz Korczak’s Orphans’ Home in the Warsaw Ghetto (1942), Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, Brill, 75/2 (2023), pp. 194-199 doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/15700739-07502006

Correia,N., Aguiar,C., & PARTICIPAConsortium: Correia, N.;  Aguiar, C.;  Taelman, H.;  Wyslowska, O.;  Penderi, E.;  Barros, S.; Correia, I.;  Markowska-Manista, U.;  Araújo, S.;  Magalhães, E.; Pessanha, M.;  Figueiredo, V.;  Petrogiannis, K.;  Boderé, A.;  Mesquita, C.;  Ribeiro, L.;  Karachristos, C.;  Stavropoulos, E.;  Almeida, F.; Guimarães, C.;  Coelho, V; (2023). Children's Voices in Early Childhood Education and Care. In Establishing Child Centred Practice in a Changing World, Part B (pp. 9-22). Emerald Publishing Limited DOI: 10.1108/978-1-80455-940-620231002

K.Sawicki & U.Markowska-Manista, „Ochotnicze Hufce Pracy w systemie kształcenia i wychowania młodzieży” - raport z badań, Białystok-Warszawa 2023.


U. Markowska-Manista, Book Review: David M. Rosen: Jewish Child Soldiers in the Bloodlands of Europe, London: Routledge 2022, Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, Brill, 75, 1 (2023): 125-126.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15700739-07501009

U. Markowska-Manista, Book Review: CohenMiller, A., & Boivin, N. (2022). Questions in qualitative social justice research in multicultural contexts. Routledge, Intercultural Education, Routledge, 2023/Vol. 34.3 DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2023.2193031


K.Sawicki & U.Markowska-Manista (2023), „Ochotnicze Hufce Pracy w systemie kształcenia i wychowania młodzieży”, Raport. Bialystok-Warszawa

Inne publikacje

Markowska-Manista, U. (2023). Specyfika pracy z uczniami z doświadczeniem wymuszonej migracji - wsparcie w zakresie potrzeb emocjonalnych, CEO, Polska-Ukraina. Razem w Szkole, Norwegian Refugee Council Warszawa https://biblioteka.ceo.org.pl/

Markowska-Manista, U. (2023). Jak tłumaczyć uczniom tematykę wojny, migracji uchodźctwa? CEO, Polska-Ukraina. Razem w Szkole, Norwegian Refugee Council Warszawa https://biblioteka.ceo.org.pl/jak-tlumaczyc-uczniom-problematyke-wojny-migracji-i-uchodzstwa/https://biblioteka.ceo.org.pl/

U.Markowska-Manista, M.Smulczyk (2023), Międzynarodowe wymiary dydaktyki akadecmickiej: pismo uczelni „UW”, 3/108:57-58.

Translations/ Tłumaczenia

"Was ist Adultismus?" by M. Liebel / P. Meade, translation: Czym jest adultyzm? U.Markowska-Manista (September 2023)  https://kinderrechte-konkret.de/jugend/was-ist-adultismus/https://kinderrechte-konkret.de/jugend/was-ist-adultismus/


Czy edukacja międzykulturowa to przyszłość Europy? Doświadczenia i wnioski: https://outride.rs/pl/podcast/czy-edukacja-miedzykulturowa-to-przyszlosc-europy-doswiadczenia-i-wnioski/


Markowska-Manista, U. (2022). Zabawy dzieci w różnych kulturach – perspektywa antropologiczno-pedagogiczna. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji54(1), 50–59, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26881/pwe.2022.54.04

Markowska-Manista, U. (2022), '26 letters of the forest alphabet' or community social learning among the Ba'Aka in the Central African Republic In: Socio-Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives on Language and Literacy Development edited by A. K. Salmon & A. Clavijo-Olarte, pp. 265-279, IGI Global, USA, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5022-2.

Olszewska, A.I., Coady, M., Markowska-Manista, U. (2022). Language Planning, Linguistic Imperialism, and English Language Teacher Education in Post-Soviet Poland: A Literature Review. In: McCallum, L. (eds), English Language Teaching. English Language Teaching: Theory, Research and Pedagogy. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2152-0_4

U.Markowska-Manista & K.Sawicki, Introduction, Polish Journal of Educational Studies, 2022/74(1):1-4, DOI:  10.2478/poljes-2022-0001

K. Górak-Sosnowska & U.Markowska-Manista (eds),(2022), Non-Inclusive Education in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparative Studies of Teaching Ethnicity, Religion and Gender, London, Bloomsbury, DOI 10.5040/9781350325296

U.Markowska-Manista, (2022), Intercultural teaching in a “monocultural” country. Why do we need a decolonial approach to teaching about diversity?  in: K. Górak-Sosnowska & U.Markowska-Manista (eds), Non-Inclusive Education in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparative Studies of Teaching Ethnicity, Religion and Gender, London, Bloomsbury, pp.11–26, DOI 10.5040/9781350325296.ch-001

M. Liebel, U.Markowska-Manista (2022). Ethische Dilemmata partizipativer Forschung mit Kindern des Globalen Südens. Ein Plädoyer für die Dekolonisierung der Kindheitsforschung In: (Eds.) M. Joos & L. Alberth "Forschungsethik in der Kindheitsforschung". Reihe Kindheiten – Neue Folge, hrsg. v. H. Kelle. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/sozialpaedagogik_soziale_arbeit/produkte/details/47387-forschungsethik-in-der-kindheitsforschung.html

Correia, N., Aguiar, C., & The participa Consortium. (2022). Children’s Right to Participate: The Lundy Model Applied to Early Childhood Education and Care, The International Journal of Children's Rights30(2), 378-405. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/15718182-30020010

U.Markowska-Manista, Working with young people in Poland in times of the Coronavirus – Participatory Research, Research Intelligence, British Educational Research Association (BERA), 151 (May 2022).

Moncrieffe, M. (Ed.), Gower, C., Mwangi, J. (Ed.), & Markowska-Manista, U. (Ed.) (2022). Pandemic, protests, recovery, opportunities: Repositioning of educational research, teaching and learning. BERA-Research Intelligence. Issue 151. Spring/Summer 2022. (151 ed.) British Educational Research Association. https://www.bera.ac.uk/publication/summer-2022

U. Markowska-Manista, (2022). Decolonising the education via participation. In: Moncrieffe, M. L. (eds.), Decolonising Curriculum Knowledge: International Perspectives, Interdisciplinary ApproachesLondon: Palgrave MacMillan https://www.amazon.co.uk/Decolonising-Curriculum-Knowledge-International-Interdisciplinary/dp/3031136225/ref=sr_1_2?qid=1661255213&refinements=p_27%3AMarlon+Lee+Moncrieffe&s=books&sr=1-2

K. Górak-Sosnowska, U.Markowska-Manista, Special Issue: TACKLING SENSITIVE AND CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS IN SOCIETY, POLITICS, AND EDUCATION, Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022).

K. Górak-Sosnowska, U.Markowska-Manista, Special Issue: TACKLING SENSITIVE AND CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS IN SOCIETY, POLITICS, AND EDUCATION, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022).

Markowska-Manista, U., and K. Górak-Sosnowska. “Tackling Sensitive and Controversial Topics in Social Research - Sensitivity of the Field”. Society Register, Vol. 6, no. 2, 2022, pp. 7-16, doi:10.14746/sr.2022.6.2.01.

Sawicki K. & Markowska-Manista U (red.), (2022). Zakład Poprawczy w Białymstoku w systemie resocjalizacji z perspektywy zespołowych badań terenowych, Białystok, Temida 2, 978-83-67169-07-3

K. Sawicki, U. Markowska-Manista (2022). Badania terenowe w zakładzie poprawczym, w: Sawicki K. & Markowska-Manista U (red.), (2022). Zakład Poprawczy w Białymstoku w systemie resocjalizacji z perspektywy zespołowych badań terenowych, Białystok, Temida, ss. 19-38.

Górak-Sosnowska, K., & Markowska-Manista, U. (2022). Intercultural education in a monocultural context: global and local dimensions of sensitive topics. Society Register6(1), 7-18. https://doi.org/10.14746/sr.2022.6.1.01

U. Markowska-Manista, . Szkolne praktyki (nie)dyskryminacyjne. Przejawy – przyczyny - przezwyciężanie, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa, monografia w serii "Kultura Szkoły" (forthcoming).

E. Januszewska & U.Markowska-Manista, Working with children with migrant experience – a case study of the organization Stadtpiraten Freiburg e.V. in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, Studia z Teorii Wychowania,  XIII (4 (41)): 275-290, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0016.1647

U.Dernowska, A. Deliowska-Tłusciak, U.Markowska-Manista, Kontakt z „Innym” w - „innym” niż dotychczasowy – czasie pandemii. Rozważania o inkluzyjnej kulturze szkoły, Edukacja Międzykulturowa nr 2 (17)/2022, 149-160, DOI: 10.15804/em.2022.02.11

K. Górak-Sosnowska & U.Markowska-Manista, Living up to the intercultural education in a monocultural school. The case of Poland, Edukacja Międzykulturowa, 2022, no 4/19, pp. 139-152, DOI: 10.15804/em.2022.04.09.

K. Górak-Sosnowska, U. Markowska-Manista, A. Tołczyk, Teaching social studies online. Insights from a preliminary quantitative study in Poland in the Covid-19 era, Kultura i Edukacja, 2022/2 (136), 129-146, DOI: 10.15804/kie.2022.02.08


Markowska-Manista, U. (2022). Eliyana R. Adler: Survival on the Margins. Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union, Cambridge, Massachusetts/ London: Harvard University Press 2020, 456 pp., Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte74(3), 288-289. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15700739-07403011

Other publications

Markowska-Manista, U., Górak-Sosnowska, K., et al. (2022), Guidance Material for University and General Education Teachers on tackling sensitive topics in a classroom (PDF), https://sisu.ut.ee/sensiclass/ (March 2022).

Markowska-Manista, U., 2022, WHAT IS RESEARCH ETHICS ? “Navigating Social Worlds: Toolbox for Social Inquiry”: https://socialworlds.sgh.waw.pl/ontological-section/what-research-ethics

J.Buckley, T.Freidingerová, M.L.Jakobson, K.Brožová, K.Górak-Sosnowska, J.Godorowska, U.Markowska-Manista, L.Pivoňková, W.Rzeżutka-Wróblewska, E.Krawczyk, K.Dzięciołowska, M. Komisarczyk, H.Zielińska, M. Fac-Skhirtladze, M.Szczepanik, B.Głąb (2022), Rozmawiajmy o migracjach XXI wieku
Zestaw narzędzi dla nauczycieli i nauczycielek, Fundacja Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej, Warszawa.

Markowska-Manista, U., Górak-Sosnowska, K. (2022), Jak rozmawiać o migracjach?: https://globalna.ceo.org.pl/material/jak-rozmawiac-o-migracjach/?fbclid=IwAR1jWKpzBmuhUbfFTj8tI7wAPnzeOwE2MdPcuMBKRXDHpViVZoSwrIswAi4

Markowska-Manista, (2022), How to speak about “Others” who are a part of our class? Students from diverse cultural backgrounds in schools, SensiClass: https://sisu.ut.ee/sensiclass/e-module9

Markowska-Manista, (2022), How to teach about genocide in fragile contexts? Sensitive topics and our everyday life in times of migration crisis, SensiClass: https://sisu.ut.ee/sensiclass/emodule10

Słuchać, dawać przestrzeń i traktować z szacunkiem, Kosmos dla dorosłych [wywiad]: https://kosmosdladoroslych.pl/relacje/sluchac-dawac-przestrzen-i-traktowac-z-szacunkiem-rozmowa-z-dr-urszula-markowska-manista/?fbclid=IwAR0r0S5U9FUeoYSEiXrCAa0tWDuytHiCF17WzEobPh8W0AHPZw8D1xk_9uY

U.Markowska-Manista w rozmowie z M.Warchala-Kopeć, Ukraińscy uczniowie są szansą, żeby zmienić polską szkołę na lepsze, Wysokie Obcasy 1/10/2022 https://www.wysokieobcasy.pl/wysokie-obcasy/7,173910,28970071,urszula-markowska-manista-ukrainscy-uczniowie-sa-szansa.html

Dekolonizacja badań nad prawami dziecka, "Ważny młody człowiek"! SPOTIF-y: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4MUdzc3qgfS5QqwKPh30Ah



U.Markowska-Manista, A.Odrowąż-Coates, Special Issue: Children's Rights and Childhood Studies, Society Register 5(2) 2021, ISSN 2544-5502 https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/sr/issue/view/1535/609


Markowska-Manista U., Pietrusińska M. J. (2021). Concultural Practices of Young Ukrainians as a Challenge for the Intercultural Openness of Warsaw, Studia Migracyjne–Przegląd Polonijny, 3(181): 319–344, DOI: 10.4467/25444972SMPP.21.043.14463

Wysłowska, O., Taelman, H., Boderé, A., Markowska-Manista, U., & members of the PARTICIPA Consortium. (2021). Promoting children’s participation rights in early childhood education and care: Self-assessment tool for professionals.

Markowska-Manista U., Zakrzewska-Olędzka D. (2021). Children's rights through Janusz Korczak's perspective and their relation to children's social participation. In: Thomas S., Hildebrandt F., Rothmaler J. Budde R., und Pigorsch (Eds.) Partizipation in der Bildungsforschung, Beltz Juventa in der Verlagsgruppe Beltz, Weinheim Basel, 2 edition, pp. 140-157, ISBN 978-3-7799-6483-4.

Liebel, M., & Markowska-Manista, U. (2021). Presentación. Cuestiones éticas y epistemológicas en la investigación con niños. Sociedad E Infancias5 (Especial), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.5209/soci.74230

U. Markowska-Manista, O. Koshulko (2021): Children and Childhood on the Borderland of Desired Peace and Undesired War - A Case of Ukraine. In: J. M. Beier & J. Tabak (Eds.), Childhood in Peace and Conflict, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, ISBN 978-3-030-74787-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74788-6_10  https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030747879

U.Markowska-Manista, Research “about” and “with” children from diverse cultural backgrounds in Poland – dilemmas and ethical challenges, Edukacja Międzykulturowa, 2021, 1(14), pp. 233-244, DOI: 10.15804/em.2021.01.14

U.Markowska-Manista, Non-contextual teaching of sensitive topics focusing on cultural diversity in polish schools, Rocznik Lubuski,  Szkoła w kontradyktorycznościach. Kontradyktoryczności w szkole, ed. E.Bochno, 2021, Vol. 47/ 1, 143-158, DOI: https://doi.org/10.34768/rl.2021.v471.09


U.Markowska-Manista, Book Review - The Sociology of Children's Rights by Brian Gran, Children & Society, © National Childrens Bureau, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/CHSO.12539

Markowska-Manista U., (2021): Barnard, Alan. 2019. Bushmen: Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers and their Descendants. Cambridge University Press. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, Wiley-Blackwell, 2021 (SOCA 29:1) DOI: 10.1111/1469-8676.12974


«Man muss Kindern und Jugendlichen zuhören, wenn man sie schützen will.»: https://www.zhaw.ch/de/ueber-uns/aktuell/news/detailansicht-news/event-news/man-muss-kindern-und-jugendlichen-zuhoeren-wenn-man-sie-schuetzen-will/

Kinderarbeit - Interview von A. Jeska mit Dr. U. Markowska-Manista: Publik-Forum.de 2021 https://www.publik-forum.de/Magazin/Extra


K. Górak-Sosnowska, U. Markowska-Manista, A. Tołczyk (2021). Local response to online teaching. Poland. ERASMUS+ project Navigating social worlds: toolbox for social inquiry (2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-096356)

Other publications

U. Markowska-Manista, Adults with children for children & adults from academic ideas to participatory practice (2021) CRSN: https://crsn-ev.org/adults-with-children-for-children-adults-ftom-academic-ideas-to-participatory-practice/


Budde R.& Markowska-Manista U. (Eds). (2020): Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights Between Research and Activism. Honouring the Work of Manfred Liebel, Springer, ISBN978-3-658-29179-2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-29180-8. https://rd.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-29180-8#editorsandaffiliations

Jawor A., Markowska-Manista U., Pietrusińska J.M., Konkultura. Wymiary uczestnictwa w kulturze młodych imigrantów z Ukrainy w Polsce, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2020, ISBN 978-83-66470-12-5. https://scholar.com.pl

U. Markowska-Manista, (2020): “Pedagogy” In: Daniel T. Cook (Ed).The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies. London: Sage. 4 volumes, ISBN-10: 1473942926, ISBN-13: 978-1473942929, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529714388.n448

Markowska-Manista U., (2020): “Janusz Korczak” In: D. T. Cook (Ed). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies. London: Sage, ISBN-10: 1473942926, ISBN-13: 978-1473942929 http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529714388.n378  https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-sage-encyclopedia-of-children-and-childhood-studies/book245903

Markowska-Manista U., Foreword (2020) A.Odrowąż-Coates (Ed.) What would Korczak do? Reflections on education, well-being and children’s rights in the times of COVID-19 pandemic, Warsaw: Wyd. APS, pp. 13-19.

Markowska-Manista U., O potrzebie dekolonizacji współczesnych badań nad dzieciństwem i prawami dziecka w krajach Globalnego Południa i Globalnej Północy. Rozważania wstępne, PRZEGLĄD KRYTYCZNY 2020 / 2(1): 9-20, DOI: 10.14746/pk.2020.2.1.01

K.Górak-Sosnowska, U. Markowska-Manista, L. Tomaszewska, (2020), Praktyki oporu stosowane przez pracowników dziekanatów szkół wyższych,  Administracja uczelni wobec nowych wyzwań. Cyfryzacja procesów, profesjonalizacja obsługi studenta, K. Górak-Sosnowska, R. Pajewska-Kwaśny (red.), SGH, Warszawa 2020, s. 171-194.

Markowska-Manista U. (2020). Ba’Aka children at the crossroads of traditional indigenous and modern education – reflections from field research in Central African Republic. In: Kleeberg-Niepage, A.; Ofosu-Kusi, Y.; Rademacher, S. & Tressat, M. (Eds). Children, Childhood, and the future. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-4251-8, https://www.cambridgescholars.com/children-childhood-and-the-future

Markowska-Manista U., Zakrzewska-Olędzka D., Family with Children in Times of Pandemic – What, Where, How? Dilemmas of Adult-Imposed Prohibitions and Orders, SOCIETY REGISTER, 2020/4(3), pp. 89-110. https://doi.org/10.14746/sr.2020.4.3.05

Markowska-Manista U., Zakrzewska-Olędzka D. (2020). Children's rights through Janusz Korczak's perspective and their relation to children's social participation. In: Thomas S., Hildebrandt F., Rothmaler J. Budde R. (Eds.) Partizipation in der Bildungsforschung, Beltz Juventa, Beltz Juventa in der Verlagsgruppe Beltz, Weinheim Basepp. 140-157, ISBN 978-3-7799-3958-0.

U. Markowska-Manista, (2020), Reflections on Janusz Korczak’s pedagogy and children’s rights. In: Budde Rebecca & Markowska-Manista Urszula (Eds): Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights: Between Research and Activism, Springer, ISBN 978-3-658-29179-2, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-29180-8_6

Markowska-Manista, U., (2020): Clarity about the purpose of research, In: P. Alderson, V. Morrow: The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People. Los Angeles: SAGE, Second Edition, ISBN 9781526477866 https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-ethics-of-research-with-children-and-young-people/book266581#contents

Markowska-Manista U., (2020): The life of Ba’Aka children and their rights: Between the processes of poverty and deprivation. In: Lawson, D., Angemi, D., and Kasirye, I. (eds). What Works for Africa’s Poorest Children: From measurement to action, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/9781780448572

U. Markowska-Manista, D. Zakrzewska-Olędzka, and Krzysztof Sawicki, (2020), Multilingualism in the Upbringing and Education of Children in Multinational Families. Case Study from Poland. In: Fourth International Scientific Conference Communication Trends in the Post-literacy Era: Multilingualism, Multimodality, Multiculturalism, KnE Social Sciences, pp. 64-74. DOI 10.18502/kss.v4i2.6310

Markowska-Manista U. (2020): Zwischen Sandkasten und Abschiebung. Zum Alltag junger Kinder in Unterkünften für Geflüchtete (Between the sandpit and deportation. Everyday life of young children in refugee accommodation centres), Children's Geographies, Taylor & Francis  DOI:10.1080/14733285.2020.1736269

Markowska-Manista U., (2020): DECOLONIZING CHILDHOODS: From Exclusion to Dignity by M. Liebel, Policy Press, University of Bristol 2020. The International Journal of Children's Rights, Brill, 4/2020. DOI:10.1163/15718182-28040014 https://brill.com/view/journals/chil/28/4/article-p962_962.xml

Markowska-Manista U., (2020): The Child’s Right to Development by Noam Peleg, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, Taylor & Francis, DOI:10.1080/09649069.2020.1837520. WoS. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09649069.2020.1837520

Markowska-Manista, U., (2020): Kosminsky, E.V. An Ethnography of the Lives of Japanese and Japanese Brazilian Migrants: Childhood, Family, and Work. Lexington Books 2020, Children's Geographies, Taylor & Francis DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2020.1866750 .


Markowska-Manista, U., Zakrzewska-Olędzka, D. (2019). Refugee- and migrant background students in Polish schools in the narratives of teachers. ICERI2019 Proceedings. Seville, Spain: IATED Academy (WoS), pp. 5497-5503 ISBN:978-84-09-14755-7, ISSN: 2340-1095, Doi: 10.21125/iceri.2019.1318 https://library.iated.org/view/MARKOWSKAMANISTA2019REF

Zakrzewska-Olędzka D., Markowska-Manista U. Obdarzanie obopólne” – mistrz i uczeń w indywidualnym i wspólnym świecie naukowym, Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2019/1(26), 237-255.

Liebel M., Markowska-Manista U., RESISTIR A LA DESESPERACIÓN Y LA IMPOTENCIA CON LA ESPERANZA. UNA LECTURA DE LOS DIARIOS DE JANUSZ KORCZAK, MILLCAYAC - Revista Digital de Ciencias Sociales /Vol. VI/ N° 11/ septiembre 2019- febrero 2020. ISSN: 2362-616x., pp. 415-442. SIPUC. FCPyS. UNCuyo. Mendoza.

Sawicki K. & Markowska-Manista U., (2019). Youth at risk and education - challenges, implications, good practices in multicultural societies, In: CULTURE OF PEACE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION. Proceedings of International Conference. Creativity and innovation from the sustainable development education perspective  (3rd Edition), Bucureşti, EDITURA UNIVERSITARĂ, pp. 56-65. DOI 10.5682/9786062810559.

Markowska-Manista U., Zakrzewska-Olędzka D., Korczakowskie metody partycypacyjnej pracy z dziećmi i aktualność ich zastosowania w edukacji międzykulturowej, EDUKACJA MIĘDZYKULTUROWA, 2019, nr 1 (10), pp. 241-253, DOI: 10.15804/em.2019.01.14

Markowska-Manista U., Zakrzewska-Olędzka D., La pedagogía de Janusz Korczak y los métodos de trabajo participativo con los niños por sus derechos humanos. Sociedad E Infancias, 2019/3, pp. 295-313. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5209/soci.64452

Markowska-Manista U., Zakrzewska-Olędzka D., Refleksje nad zastosowaniem korczakowskich metod partycypacyjnej pracy z dziećmi w obozach dla uchodźców, Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 2 (45) / 2019, pp. 72-80. https://doi.org/10.26881/pwe.2019.45.07

Markowska-Manista U., (2019): ‘Bad Children’ – International stigmatisation of children trained to kill during war and armed conflict. In: N. von Benzon, C. Wilkinson (Eds.), Intersectionality and Difference in Childhood and Youth. Global Perspectives, 1st Edition, Routledge the Taylor & Francis Group, London & New York, ISBN 9781138608290, pp. 61-75. DOI: 10.4324/9780429466588

Markowska-Manista U. & Sawicki K., Migrant Children and Youth “On the Move”: Between the Legacy of the Past and Challenges of the Future,  Kultura i Edukacja, 2019, No. 2 (124), pp. 9–23. DOI 10.15 804/kie.20 .02.01

Markowska-Manista U. (2019): Postcolonial dimensions of social work in Central African Republic and its impact on the life of hunter-gatherer children and youth. A critical perspective. In: Handbook on Postcolonial Social Work (Eds.) T. Kleibl, R. Lutz, Ndangwa Noyoo, Routledge the Taylor and Francis Group, London, ISBN 9781138604070,  9780429468728, DOI https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429468728,  pp. 286-301.

Zakrzewska-Olędzka, D., Markowska-Manista, U. (2019). Intercultural education in a monocultural society – benefits and challenges of the Erasmus+ program students’ involvement in the school life. ICERI2019 Proceedings. Seville, Spain: IATED Academy (WoS), pp. 5521-5526, ISBN:978-84-09-14755-7, ISSN: 2340-1095, Doi: 10.21125/iceri.2019.1318

Markowska-Manista U. (2019): Migrant and Refugee Children in Polish Schools in the Face of Social Transformation. In: Maier-Höfer Claudia (Ed.), Die Vielfalt der Kindheit(en) und die Rechte der Kinder in der Gegenwart. Praxisfragen und Forschung im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen, Springer Wiesbaden GmbH, ISBN 978-3-658-21237-7, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-21238-4, ss. 79-100.

Zakrzewska-Olędzka D., Markowska-Manista U.,  „Obdarzanie obopólne” – mistrz i uczeń w indywidualnym i wspólnym świecie naukowym, Studia z Teorii Wychowania, Tom X 2019, Nr 1(26), ss. 237-255.

A. Jawor, U. Markowska-Manista, M. J. Pietrusińska, Bariery w korzystaniu z oferty warszawskich instytucji kultury przez młodych imigrantów z Ukrainy. Diagnoza, przyczyny i rekomendacje. Raport. Warszawa 2019 https://cyfrowabiblioteka.um.warszawa.pl/items/show/872

თამარ მახარაძე, თამარ აბაშიძე, ანასტასია ქიტიაშვილი, ურსულა მარკოვსკა-მანისტა (U.Markowska-Manista), საბინე ლაუბერ-პოლი, (2019) ინკლუზიური განათლების მხარდამჭერი სერვისების გაუმჯობესება, ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, თბილისი

U.Markowska-Manista, JACQUELINE BHABHA, CAN WE SOLVE THE MIGRATION CRISIS?  Ruch Prawniczy, Socjologiczny i Ekonomiczny, vol. 81, Nr 3 (2019), ss. 295-298, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2019.81.3.19

Markowska-Manista, U. (2019). [Review of the book The Kids Are in Charge: Activism and Power in Peru's Movement of Working Children, by Jessica K. Taft]. Children, Youth and Environments JSTOR 29(2), 132-134. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/864298.


Webinarium: Prawa dziecka w kontekście międzykulturowości. Janusz Korczak na nowo odczytany. 2019.12, Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji (ORE) przy współpracy z Instytutem Globalnej odpowiedzialności (IGO): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LFWLcoTeZ0


Markowska-Manista U., (2018). The ethical dilemmas of research with children from the countries of the Global South. Whose participation? Polish Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. I (LXXI), pp. 51-65, DOI: 10.2478/poljes-2018-0005

Markowska-Manista U.(Ed.) (2018). Children and  Youth in Varied Socio-Cultural Contexts - theory, research, praxis, APS, Warszawa, ISBN 978-83-66010-09-3, 288.

Markowska-Manista U.(Ed.). (2018): The Contemporary Problems of Children and Youth in Multicultural Societies. Theory, Research, Praxis, 2018, APS, ISBN 978-83-64953-94-1, 252.

Liebel M. & Markowska-Manista U., Pädagogik der Achtung [online]. socialnet Lexikon. Bonn: socialnet, 22.06.2018. Verfügbar unter: https://www.socialnet.de/lexikon/Paedagogik-der-Achtung

Dąbrowa E., Markowska-Manista U., Przygotowanie nauczycieli i pedagogów w zakresie edukacji międzykulturowej – prezentacja projektu badawczego, Edukacja Międzykulturowa, 2018, nr 1(8), ss. 169-184. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15804/em.2018.01.11

Markowska-Manista U. (2018): (Nie)możliwe? Próby reintegracji, readaptacji i deradykalizacji byłych dzieci-żołnierzy w wybranych krajach na kontynencie afrykańskim i na Półwyspie Arabskim w: K. Górak-Sosnowska (red.), Zderadykalizować radykała, Difin SA, Warszawa.


Januszewska E., Markowska-Manista U.(2017): Dziecko “inne” kulturowo w Polsce. Z badań nad edukacją szkolną, APS, ISBN 978-83-64953-56-9, 435 s. http://www.aps.edu.pl/media/2391444/dziecko_inne_kulturowo_e-book.pdf

Liebel M., Markowska-Manista U. (2017): Prawa dziecka w kontekście międzykulturowości. Janusz Korczak na nowo odczytywany, APS, ISBN 9788364953682, 240 s. http://www.aps.edu.pl/media/2081110/prawa_dziecka_.pdf

Machul-Telus B., Markowska-Manista U., Nijakowski L. M. (red.) (2017): Krwawy cień genocydu. Część druga. Ludobójstwa - pamięć, dyskurs, edukacja, Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa, ISBN 978-83-65304-63-6, 538 s.

Markowska-Manista U., Pilarska J. (eds.) (2017): An Introspective Approach to Women's Intercultural Fieldwork, APS, ISBN 978-83-64953-59-0, 188. http://www.aps.edu.pl/media/2391435/markowska-manista_an_introspective_approach_e-book.pdf

Markowska-Manista U.(2017): Détermination de l’intérêt supérieur des enfants marginalisés au moyen d’une participation active, In: Sormunen M. (Ed.), L’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant: Un dialogue entre théorie et pratique, Conseil de l'Europe ISBN 978-92-871-8553-2, ss. 49-60.

Markowska-Manista U., Pasamonik B. (red.) (2017): Kryzys migracyjny. Perspektywa pedagogiczno-psychologiczna, vol. 2, APS, ISBN 9788364953-83-5, 192 s. http://www.aps.edu.pl/media/2081074/kryzys_migracyjny_tom_2_e-book.pdf

Ossowska D., Filina M., Markowska-Manista U., Tuchareli M., Dzneladze I., Karaś B. (red.) (2017): "POLSKI KAUKAZ" Historia i perspektywy kontaktów polsko-gruzińskich, vol. II, Universal, ISBN 978-9941-26-152-7, 204 s.

Pasamonik B., Markowska-Manista U. (red.) (2017): Kryzys migracyjny. Perspektywa społeczno-kulturowa, vol. 1, APS, ISBN 978-83-64953-82-8, 204 s. http://www.aps.edu.pl/media/2081073/kryzys_migracyjny_tom_1_e-book-1-popr.pdf

Markowska-Manista U., Tsur A., Gilad B. (2017): Janusz Korczak und die Rechte der Kinder, In: Kinderrechte und Kinderpolitik. Fragestellungen der Angewandten Kindheitswissenschaften / Maier-Höfer C. (Ed.), Springer, Fachmedien Wiesbaden, ISBN 978-3-658-13801-1, ss. 11-26, DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-13801-1_2

Markowska-Manista U., Liebel M. (2017): Mit Hoffnung der Verzweiflung und Hilflosigkeit widerstehen. Nachdenken über Janusz Korczak, w: “Resilienz aus der Sicht der betroffenen Subjekte: Die autobiographische Perspektive / Zander M., Göppel R.(Eds.), Juventa-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7799-3462-2, ss. 83 – 109.

Markowska-Manista U. (2017): The written and unwritten rights of indigenous children in Central Africa - between the freedom of "tradition" and enslavement for "development", w: Symbolic violence in socio-educational contexts. A post-colonial critique / Odrowąż-Coates A., S. Goswami (red.), APS, ISBN 978-83-64953-69-9, ss. 127-142.

Markowska-Manista U., Zakrzewska-Olędzka D. Pomiędzy teorią a praktyką kontaktu międzykulturowego, Pogranicze. Studia społeczne, vol. 30, 2017, ss. 113-129, DOI:10.15290/pss.2017.30.08

Filina M., Ossowska D., Markowska-Manista U., Tuchareli M., Dzneladze I., Karaś B. (red.) (2017): „POLSKI KAUKAZ” Historia i perspektywy kontaktów polsko-gruzińskich, Universal, ISBN 9789941120954, [1512-472X], 240 s.


Markowska-Manista U. (red.) (2016): The Interdisciplinary Contexts of Reintegration and Readaptation in the Era of Migration - an Intercultural Perspective, Development and Social Adaptation of Children and Youth, APS, ISBN 9788364953453, 248 s.

Markowska-Manista U. (2016): Between Inclusion and Self-Exclusion: The Multi-Faceted Character of the Educational Process of Azeris and Armenians in Georgia, w: Atomization or Integration? Transborder Aspects of Multipedagogy / Szerląg A., Pilarska J., Urbanek A. (red.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4438-9451-7, ss. 140-158.

Markowska-Manista U. (2016): Determining marginalised children’s best interests through meaningful participation - Lessons learned from the pedagogy of Janusz Korczak, w: The best interests of the child – A dialogue between theory and practice / Sormunen M. (red.), Council of Europe, ISBN 978-92-871-8252-4, ss. 47-58.

Markowska-Manista U.(2016): Walka ze stereotypami odmiennosci kulturowej –szkolne i pozaszkolne pola bitewne, w: Twierdza. Szkoła w metaforze militarnej. Co w zamian? / Dudzikowa M., Jaskulska S. (red.), Wolters Kluwer SA, ISBN 978-83-8092-889-3, ss. 315-339.

Markowska-Manista U. Reforming the Legal Status of Teachers in Poland. International Journal for Education Law and Policy (IJELP), Vol. 9/ 2013, Issue 1-2, pp. 131-151.

U. Markowska-Manista, A. Niedźwiedzka-Wardak (2016). Dydaktyka specjalistyczna ukierunkowana na uwarunkowania kulturowe - dydaktyka edukacji międzykulturowej. W: Dydaktyka specjalna: od systematyki do projektowania dydaktyk specjalistycznych (red.) J.Głodkowska, Warszawa: PWN, ss. 210-238.


U. Markowska-Manista, Unwanted, rejected, unaccepted: around the problem of “invisible” Romani and Dom children in Georgia, PROBLEMY WCZESNEJ EDUKACJI / ISSUES IN EARLY EDUCATION 4 (31) / 2015

U. Markowska-Manista, A. Holzbrecher, P. Baquero Torres, A. Schraut, (2015). Lehrerbildung über Grenzen: Wie lernen Lehrer/innen interkulturelle Kompetenzen? Ein Dialogtext In: A. Holzbrecher, U. Over (Hrsg.)Handbuch Interkulturelle Schulentwicklung, Beltz Verlag, Weinheim und Basel.

Markowska-Manista U., Januszewska E., The foreign children in a school environment. Research report,
Pedagogika Społeczna, 3(57), 2015:  233-251.

U. Markowska-Manista, Kolonialne i postkolonialne uwikłania łowców-zbieraczy w Afryce Środkowej, Przegląd Humanistyczny, Pismo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Rok LVIII, 2014 5 (446), 33-46.



ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0667-4164

Aktywność naukowa:


Researcher in the international project "Impactful and sustainable policy change for migrant education" Sirius 3.0, European Commission, Co-funded by the European Union, European Education and Culture Execitive, June 2023-June 2027.

Researcher in the international project “Building Inclusion, Sustaining Solidarity: Frontline Host Communities, Distress Migrants, and the Role of States”. The project is led by Jacqueline Bhabha, Professor at Harvard Chan School of Public Health, USA, 2022 -2023

K.Sawicki & U.Markowska-Manista, Testing the evaluative research program for the Voluntary Labor Corps (https://ohp.pl/en/ - report study) and preparing the concept of nationwide research, 2023.

K.Sawicki, U.Markowska-Manista, Projekt badawczy - testowanie narzędzi do projektu badawczego dla Komendy Głównej OHP, dotyczącego sytuacji społeczno-edukacyjnej uczestników OHP w systemie kształcenia i wychowania wobec współczesnych wyzwań rynku zatrudnienia, Woj. podlaskie 2023

„Sytuacja dzieci uchodźczych romskiego pochodzenia w Warszawie”, Fundacja w Stronę Dialogu, UNICEF „Support for children in the RPU (Roma-Poland-Ukraine) Center and capacity building of professionals working with Romani refugees and migrants"2023 (kierowniczka badań partycypacyjnych)

2022-2023, Teachers for Inclusive Education, Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia Grant №FR-21-3869 (International Consultant in Research).

Funkcjonowanie dzieci ze zróżnicowanym kontekstem kulturowo-narodowościowym w nowych miejscach pobytu – na przykładzie uchodźców ukraińskich w Polsce", grant badawczy ChAT.WNS.BN.620.6.2022 (badaczka w projekcie), 2022-2023.

Navigating Social Worlds: Toolbox for Social Inquiry, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in Response of the Covid-19 Situation; 2021-2023, (researcher)

03/2019-11/2023 - International Project: Curriculum Innovation for Social Inclusion (CISI), Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2019 EU project no: 609736-EPP-1-2019-1-GEEPPKA2-CBHE-JP, IVANE JAVAKHISHVILI TBILISI STATE UNIVERSITY, Georgia (local coordinator & researcher)

2019-2022- PARTICIPA-Professional development tools supporting participation rights in early childhood education (2019-1-PT01-KA202-60950), (researcher) http://child-participation.eu/?page_id=486

2020- International Project: Tackling Sensitive Topics in a Classroom, UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, Estonia, Agreement no 2019-KA203-05 (researcher).

2019-2021 - Project STELLAR (Supporting Teachers and Educators of English Language Learners Across Rural Settings), National Professional Development 5 year period grant 2016-2021, Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), University of Florida. The federal GAN: #T365Z160094, Coordinator: Maria R. Coady, Ph.D., Irving and Rose Fien Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of ESOL and Bilingual Education. (external expert).

2019 Project grant: How can business and public play spaces and cafes be reimagined and reclaimed as socially just rights-reinforcing spaces for children? (The Play-Café project) Dr Kristina Konstantoni (PI), Prof Kay Tisdall (Co-I), Dr Lynn McNair(Co-I), Dr Marlies Kustatscher (Co-I), Dr Urszula Markowska-Manista (Co-I), Luke Addison (Co-I), Simon Bateson (Co-I), Kurt Cleary (Photographer), Lorna Baird (Advisor), Angus Calder (Architect), in partnership with Community Playthings and Let me eat. Edinburgh Futures Institute Research Awards (£5000).

2019 - Improving state services supporting inclusive education in Georgia, Disability Research Center, Ivane Javakhishvili  Tbilisi State University (TSU), Georgia, United Nations Development Programme UNDP, (International Consultant in research)

2018 - Verfestigung und Weiterentwicklung der internationalen und interdisziplinären Forschungskooperation im Bereich Kindheitswissenschaften und Kinderrechte in Zeiten von Werte- und Normenwandlung mit Bezug zu geflüchteten und migrierenden Kindern und Jugendlichen in Polen und Deutschland, MACR, FH Potsdam, Germany.

2016-2018 -  Consultancy Services in the field of strategic foresight for children in the CEECIS region, grant nrLLTS – 42407605, for UNICEF Geneva Switzerland, (expert and researcher).

2016-2017 - Polnisch – Deutsche wissenschaftliche Dialoge über Kinderrechte, Janusz Korczak und Migration, PNFN, grant no.: 2016-07 (project coordinator).

2016-2017 - Paradigm shift in early teaching: constructivism and developmental approach vs. behavioristic strategies, grant no.: INGI-2105-29, Faculty of Education, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia (researcher in the project).

2012-2015 -  Children’s Rights Erasmus Academic Network (CREAN) International European Union Projekt, Lifelong Learning Programme, ”Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission” (co-manager, co-executor).

2014 - 2015 – BST APS: Education and tradition in the everyday life of minorities in Georgia based on the category of place. Part II of research/, (Georgia), (research coordinator and executor).

2013-2014 – international research project APS: The forgotten minorities in Georgia: tradition, education, and everyday life in the face of transformations, (Georgia, the South Caucasus), (project manager, executor).

2002-2012 – a cycle of participatory field research on the daily life of the Ba’Aka, social learning, indigenous education and school adaptation through ORA method (Observer - Réfléchir – Agir) in Central Africa (project manager, research executor).


"Technical Assistance in the field of Early and Preschool Education" - Development cooperation programme: Technical assistance to supporting competent systems for professionalizing early and preschool education workforce in Georgia, UNICEF, the Association “Edukator” 2019 (external expert)

“Provide technical support in the development of a concept note and proposal for establishing an integrated ECD research center”, Georgia, UNICEF, the Association “Edukator” 2018 (external expert)

External Member of Childhood and Youth Studies Research Group, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, współpraca badawcza w zespole realizującym projekt badawczy finansowany przez Edinburg Futures Institute (EFI Research Awards) 2019.

Member of a Graduate Student’s Supervisory Committee & Guest Expert (for A. Olszewska Ph.D. Candidate, Fulbright Scholar & Delta Kappa Gamma Society Fellow) ESOL/ Bilingual Education, College of Education University of Florida USA, 2018-2020.

Stypendystka DAAD (MACR FHP) - IUC, Ref. ST 21 - Ostmitteleuropa, Südosteuropa, Türkei, 2019.

Stypendystka DAAD (MACR FHP), Germany, 2021.

International project: Children’s Rights Studies Online (CRS Online), IVAC - International Virtual Academic Collaboration DAAD, FH Potsdam, 2020-2021 (team member).

A country expert on education for the DEMED project (2021/22), ERC Consolidator Grant, Horizon 2020 /012: https://www.gla.ac.uk/research/az/democracyresearch/projectoverview/

Study visits & teaching mobility

U.Markowska-Manista, J.Dobkowska (maj, 2023), Wizyta studyjna w Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge, Boston USA

Nov.2021; Nov.2022 - Faculty of Education and Psychology, Girona University, Hiszpania

Nov. 2019 - Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Rumunia

March 2019 -Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, Szkocja, Wielka Brytania

2021, 2022, 2023 - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Hiszpania

2021, 2022, 2023 -Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Hiszpania

2018 - Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education, University of Patras, Greece

2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany


członkini Komisji ds Młodych Naukowców KNP PAN 2020-2024.

Member of Contemporary Childhood Research Group (from 2022-...): https://www.infanciacontemporanea.com/miembros/

Member of The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN), Queen Marry University of London: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/clpn/members/m/profiles/markowska-manista.html (from 2022-...)

Member of International Network on Participation of Children in Alternative Care (INPAC) (from 2023-...)

Member of Scientific Advisory Board - Children’s Rights Studies Network (CRSN) e.Vhttps://crsn-ev.org/

Member of  Advisory Committee "Expressions of Kindness: International Multimedia Showcase": express-kindness.org, Action for Media Education (action4mediaeducation.org) & NW Center for Excellence in Media Literacy Education, the University of Washington’s College of Education in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Member of CRIA, https://childrightsinaction.org/

Nagroda naukowa w ramach 15 Edycji Nagród Naukowych Polityki 2015 – finalistka w
kategorii Nauki Społeczne, Warszawa 18 październik 2015.

Opieka nad doktorantem, który uzyskał grant naukowy (+Member of a Graduate Student’s Supervisory Committee & Guest Expert): A. Olszewska Ph.D. Candidate, Fulbright Scholar & Delta Kappa Gamma Society Fellow ESOL/ Bilingual Education, College of Education University of Florida USA, 2018-2020.

Opieka nad doktorantem (promotor pomocnicza):

dr D. Zakrzewska-Olędzka (2016-2018), mgr P. Chmiel-Antoniuk (2017-...), dr D. A. Ratajczak-Parzyńska (2016-2019), mgr S. Kwaśniewska-Paszta (2018-....).

Mobilność międzynarodowa: staż podoktorski, Program Director & Lecturer - Master on Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights (MACR),  Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2016.

Mobilność międzynarodowa: vice-dyrektor międzynarodowego programu: MA Childhood Studies and Children's Rights, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam/Fachhochschule Potsdam (2017-2021)

Mobilność międzynarodowa: guest professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Germany (2023/2024).

Kierowanie całością lub „polską częścią” grantu
naukowego finansowanego ze środków zagranicznych, w tym ze środków Unii Europejskiej:

-Children’s Rights Erasmus Academic Network (CREAN) International European Union Project, Lifelong Learning Programme, „Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission” (Award 527696-LLP-1-2012-1-DE-ERASMUSENW), 2012-2015 (Coordinator P25).

- grant from the Polish-German Foundation for Science/ Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung for the years 2016 and 2017, for the academic- research project: Polnisch – Deutsche wissenschaftliche Dialoge über Kinderrechte, Janusz Korczak und Migration / Polish- German academic dialogues about children’s rights, Janusz Korczak and migration, project no.:2016-07. Coordinator, manager: Urszula Markowska-Manista PhD, May 2016 – June 2017.

Member of the international Northern Network team operating within CREAN - Children's Rights Erasmus Academic Network, European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme (Award 527696-LLP-1-2012-1-DE-ERASMUSENW) 2012-2015

Opieka nad pracownikiem (post-doc) zrekrutowanym w otwartym konkursie o zasięgu międzynarodowym:

-a project LEAD and an academic supervisor for two University scholars from Nigeria: Ekwutosi Essien Offiong Ph.D. (University of Calabar) and Chinyere Lilian Okam Ph.D. (University of Calabar).  Consultancy  and supervision of an academic research project dedicated to Child positionings and women positioning in traditional and liberal discourses 2019 http://www.aps.edu.pl/unesco-chair/unesco-janusz-korczak-chair-international-summer-schools/

Research supervision of dr. Olena Sakaliuk (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine), Social and educational support for children affected by military aggression in Ukraine, The Lane Kirkland  Scholarship Program, 2020-2021.

Research supervision of Ph.D. candidate Dagmara Kostrzewska APS -  internship, 2021/2022 WP UW.

Researcher and member of the scientific-organisational committee of the international participatory conference: Children as Human Rights Defenders. Child Rights in Action, Initiatives et Changement, France 2019.

INASP: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB 2020- Research and Proposal Writing in the Sciences (online course with Certificate of Completion).

INASP, AuthorAID: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB 2021- Research Writing in the Sciences (online course with Certificate of Completion).


Globalisation, Societies and Education, Taylor & Francis Group (WoS) 2019

Child Indicators Research, Springer (WoS) 2019, 2020/2021, 2022, 2023

Sage One (Wos) 2021

Education Sciences (WoS) 2021

NEOS: A Publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group 2021, 2022.

Polityka Społeczna (2018), Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (2018), Society Register (2017-2018), Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji (2019-2020), Edukacja Międzykulturowa (2021, 2022).


U.Markowska-Manista, M.Skura, A.Zielińska, M.Żytko & CISI Consortium. (2021), მშობლები სკოლაში - კომუნიკაცია, ურთიერთობები, კონტრიბუცია, CISI პროექტი, ვარშავა.

«Man muss Kindern und Jugendlichen zuhören, wenn man sie schützen will.»: https://www.zhaw.ch/de/ueber-uns/aktuell/news/detailansicht-news/event-news/man-muss-kindern-und-jugendlichen-zuhoeren-wenn-man-sie-schuetzen-will/

Kinderarbeit - Interview von A. Jeska mit Dr. U. Markowska-Manista: Publik-Forum.de 2021 https://www.publik-forum.de/Magazin/Extra

K. Górak-Sosnowska, U. Markowska-Manista, Jak rozmawiać o migracjach? CEO 2022: https://globalna.ceo.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/01/Pytania-o-dzieci-uchodzcze.docx.pdf

Bariery w korzystaniu z warszawskich instytucji kultury przez młodych imigrantów z Ukrainy („Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki - od promocji po innowacje społeczne” dofinansowanych przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki w ramach programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki”2021/22) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQp8vLMAp7U

U.Markowska-Manista with CISI Consortium, Monitoring REPORTS CISI Project, 2021, 2022, 2023.



Presentation: Children-soldiers and children of indigenous peoples – (in)direct victims, witnesses and agents of conflict. The problem of children’s participation from local perspective, the international conference “Children as actors for transforming society”, CAUX Foundation as part of the Luman security”, Caux, 2013 Switzerland.

Lectures: Multiple-discrimination of children with a migrant background & Discrimination against migrant, ethnic and national minority children in education, Summer School “Children’s Rights to Non-Discrimination”, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal,  2014.

Keynote at the International Conference: “The Best Interests of the Child: a dialogue between theory and practice. Focus on the best interests of the child in family affairs”, organized by the Belgian authorities, in cooperation with the Children’s Rights Division of the Council of Europe, Brussels, December 2014.


Oral presentation: Present- absent? Migrant and refugee children in Polish schools in the narratives of teachers, 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association. (Un)Making Europe Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, Athens, Greece 2017.

Lectures: Childhood Studies, Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt, 2018, Germany.

Presentation during the International week ‘To grow up in an opportune, multilingual and metropolitan context’, Erasmushogeschool Brussel, Departement of Education and Pedagogics, Center of Expertise in Urban Coaching & Education Brussels, Belgium 2017.


Presentation: The Life of Ba’aka Children and Their Rights. The Processes of Poverty and Deprivation. International Conference: What works for Africa’s Poorest Children? Social Policies and Programmes for Children Living in Extreme Deprivation,  2018, EPRC, UNICEF and the University of Manchester, Kampala, Uganda.

Lecture: Die Herausforderungen von Flucht und Migration – Kinder und ihre Rechte in multikultureller Perspektive, II. Internationaler Fachtag: Migration und Flucht von Kindern – Globale und lokale Herausforderungen für ein kinderrechtlich orientiertes Denken und Handeln, Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt, 2018, Germany.

ISA presentation: Migrant and Refugee Children in Polish Schools – (non) Discriminatory School Practices, session: The Children’s Crusade: Migrant Children, ISA CONGRESS, Toronto, 2018, Canada.

Presentation: THE CHILD’S RIGHT TO BE HEARD AND SEENParticipatory research with and among children from excluded communities in the Central African Republic, 10th International Seminar devoted to Dr. Janusz Korczak: Children as Human Rights Defenders – in the spirit of Janusz Korczak and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to United Nation, Geneva 2018, Switzerland.


Keynote at the International Conference:  Janusz Korczak's Pedagogical Ideas, University of Patras, Patras, 2019, Greece.

Lecture and seminar: The childhood of Ba’Aka children and their rights to education, Centre for Research on Families and Relationships and Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, 2019, United Kingdom.

Empowering indigenous women and children in the development practices and research for justice and sustainable development /Virtual Presentation/, International Conference: Engendering Access to Justice for Development in Sub Saharan Africa, the Nordic Africa Institute in cooperation with University of Western Cape, Comillas Pontifical University and Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, Cape Town, 2019, South Africa.

Lecture: The forest education of Ba’Aka children and many other aspects of their community life in Central Africa & Childhood Studies Seminar, Department of Social Work, Babes- Bolyai University, Cluj, 2019, Rumania.

Presentation: Multilingualism in the Upbringing and Education of Children in Multinational Families.  Case Study from Poland, Fourth International Scientific Conference Communication Trends in the Post-literacy Era: Multilingualism, Multimodality, Multiculturalism, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2019.


Oral presentation: T. Tsyrlina-Spady (USA) & U. Markowska-Manista (Poland). Sustaining a Happy Childhood: A participatory approach to children’s rights, 46th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education, Ottawa, Oct 28 to Nov 1, 2020.

Lecture: Janusz Korczak’s Pedagogical Ideas & Participatory Work and Research with Children. Postcolonial Perspective/The 13th Unesco/Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School 2020.

Oral presentation: M. Bernheim (USA) & U. Markowska-Manista (Poland). Children's Rights to Imaginative Truth And Reality: Korczak Inspired Literature, 46th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education, Ottawa, Oct 28 to Nov 1, 2020.

KEYNOTE LECTURE -Urszula Markowska-Manista, Children and Migration – the Contemporary Dilemmas, Crises and Challenges of Policies, Research and Praxis, LOCAL DIMENSION OF CHILDREN’S MIGRATIONS AND ITS IMPACT ON EU INTEGRATION POLICY, International Online Conference, 4-5 December 2020

U. Markowska-Manista: Empirical insights on how pandemic measures affect families and children in Poland, the burdens of combining care work and gainful work and the unheard needs of children, Virtual International Week, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz, May 2020.


Childhood Studies and Children's Rights in -fragile contexts- & Children and Distress Migration -online lectures, U. Markowska-Manista, Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw, Poland &  J. Bhabha from the School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA, CRS Online Lecture Series, 2021.

Lecture: GROWING UP ON THE RUN – PLACES IN THE IN-BETWEEN SPACE, U. Markowska-Manista, 2021, VIRTUAL INTERNATIONAL WEEK – CREATING SPACES  https://www.create-spaces.org/news/

Lecture: Kindheiten in Zentral Afrika - ethische Forschungen in einem gemeinschaftsorientierten partizipativen Paradigma von U.Markowska-Manista, International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, 2021.

Participatory research in contemporary migration studies - research workshop, M. Pietrusińska, U.Markowska-Manista, 2021, 4eu+ Migration Days,https://www.uw.edu.pl/wspolpraca/4euplusalliance/

O. Wyslowska; H. Taelman; A.Boderé; U. Markowska-Manista; N.Correia; C. Aguiar; et al. A self-assessment tool to promote child: Participation in European ECEC centres, EECERA Online Festival, 2021.

Warsztat: Badania partycypacyjne z dziećmi - dylematy etyczne i metodologiczne -U. Markowska-Manista, XII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa pt.: Dzieciństwo w wielokulturowych przestrzeniach: socjalizacyjne, edukacyjne oraz integracyjne konteksty, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, listopad 2021.

Wystąpienie: O.Wysłowska, U.Markowska-Manista, eferat „Partycypacja najmłodszych dzieci w życiu społecznym – nowe podejście w badaniach pedagogicznych  w Polsce?”, Seminaria Naukowe Wydziału Pedagogicznego UW, online 2021.

Presentation: M. Cywińska, K. Górak-Sosnowska, U. Markowska-Manista, L. Tomaszewska, Invisible, indispensable, yet in place. Administrative staff in the time of COVID-19 at Polish HEIs, (Remote) work and Covid: mobility, safety, and health at the time of the pandemic, Tallinn University, Estonia (online),  June 2021.

Presentation: U.Markowska-Manista, Young people in times of the coronavirus - participatory research, ‘Pandemic, Protests, Recovery, Opportunity: What's next for research in education?Education Research and Enterprise Conference, University of Brighton, July 2021.

Seminar: Ethical considerations in research with
children and young people, U. Markowska- Manista, N.Fernandes, International Summer School,
Introduction to Children’s Rights Studies Online, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam 2021.

O.Wysłowska, H.Taelman, A.Bodere, U.Markowska-Manista, A SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL TO PROMOTE CHILD PARTICIPATION IN EUROPEAN ECEC CENTERS (poster), EECERA Annual Conference, 2021.

Lecture: U. Markowska-Manista (University of Warsaw): Community-oriented field research among and with Ba‘Aka Children and Adults in the Central African Republic, Seminario A11 – Edificio Anexo, Facultad de Psicología UAM, Spain 2021.

Lectures: U. Markowska-Manista (University of Warsaw): Children's Rights Studies Online, Summer School 2021.

Keynote: Between two pandemics - Janusz Korczak and children's rights through the perspective of the child at the international conference: The perspective of the Child’ EUSARF 2021, Zurich, Switzerland.

Lecture: U. Markowska-Manista (University of Warsaw): Between inclusion and exclusion in education. Migrant and refugee background students in Polish schools, Hellenic Open University, Greece September, 2021.

Workshop: U. Markowska-Manista, TEACHING SENSITIVE TOPICS IN SENSITIVE TIMES, Training for the Teachers of the Network Universities on Teaching
Sensitive Issues,
October 2021 https://www.uhk.cz/file/edee/filozoficka-fakulta/zahranici/joint-event-on-teaching-sensitive-issues-poster.pdf 


Workshop: U. Markowska-Manista, The University of Tartu, “Guidelines on tackling sensitive topics in a classroom?”, "Tackling Sensitive Topics in a Classroom" 2022.

U. Markowska-Manista (University of Warsaw) &Participa Consortium: From promoting children's rights to participation: The PARTICIPA project. WORKSHOP INFANCIA_C #8: EARLY CHILDHOOD, AGENCY, AND PARTICIPATION ACROSS DEVELOPMENTAL CONTEXTS, Facultad de Psicología UAM, Madrid, Spain 2022.

Symposium: Decolonising curriculum knowledge in Europe: What’s been happening in teacher education? What’s next for informing policy and practice? M. Lee Moncrieffe, U. Markowska-Manista, K. Gregers Eriksen, Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) 2022 Annual Conference "Enhancing the value of teacher education research: Implications for policy and practice", University of Graz, Austria 2022.

Working with students from diverse cultural backgrounds (DCB) in schools: experiences of Polish teachers, (co-authored by J.Dobkowska, M. Skura). Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) 2022 Annual Conference "Enhancing the value of teacher education research: Implications for policy and practice", Graz, Austria, 2022.

U. Markowska-Manista and PARTICIPA Consortium, Supporting children's participatory rights in ECEC context via using self-assessment tools, international conference: "Early Education and Care”, Batumi, Georgia, June 2022.  

U. Markowska-Manista, Diversity and Inclusion in times of war and displacement, Invited lecture in the frame of Erasmus mobility, HOU, Greece June 2022.

U. Markowska-Manista Chair of the program committee, IAIE International Conference 2022, Intercultural Education on the Move: Facing Old and New Challenges, Greece 2022.

U. Markowska-Manista, lecture: Introduction to Childhood Studies, Summer School Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (hosted by the MACR), FHP, Potsdam September 2022.

J.Dobkowska, U. Markowska-Manista,"Our voices from below" – Children’s counter-stories about their childhoods in migration, International Conference on Child Studies (ICCS), Portugal, 2022.

M.Balkan, J.Dobkowska, U. Markowska-Manista, lntercultural communication – preschool perspective, Research Group Session 6, Centre of Research on Education and Intercultural Communication
Working with Children from Various Social Backgrounds – workshop, International Congress Warsaw 2022.


U.Markowska-Manista, Kindertagebücher aus Osteuropa als Quelle - 1939-1945,  Symposium: „Aspekte des Zweiten Weltkrieges im östlichen Europa“, Internationales Institut für Nationalitätenrecht und Regionalismus, Bad Kissingen, Germany 2023.

U.Markowska-Manista -moderacja panelu: Dobre praktyki w pracy Asystentek i Asystentów Edukacji Romskiej, Konferencja o edukacji romskiej „Misja Asystent – przyszłość edukacji Romów w Polsce” Warszawa, 2023

U. Markowska-Manista, Refugee camps as places and spaces (de)constructing childhoods, Workshop Infancia_c#9: Spaces, Places and Materialities in Research on Childhoods, Facultad de Psicología UAM, Madrid, Spain 2023 https://www.infanciacontemporanea.com/2022/10/28/workshopic9/

U. Markowska-Manista (University of Warsaw), Order(s) of Difference in Childhood and Education as a /Dialogue Table Speaker/, International Conference  September 2023, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.

U. Markowska-Manista, Introduction: Childhood studies and children´s rights, International MACR Summer School: Children´s rights, sexualities and their bodies, FHP, Potsdam, 2023.

U. Markowska-Manista, Play-based participatory projects in intercultural education. Working with war refugee students from Ukraine in Poland, Second International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Care 2023. The Power of Play: The Central Pillar of Quality Early Childhood Education and Care, June 2023, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia.

U. Markowska-Manista, H.Tomaszewska-Pękała, E.Zubala, Challenges and Dilemmas in Collaborative Research in Diverse Cultural Contexts. Reflections on Partnerships from COSI and CISI Projects, ECER 2023 – the European Conference on Educational Research, European Educational Research Association, Glasgow UK 2023.

H.Tomaszewska-Pękała, E.Zubala, U.Markowska-Manista, Working with Young People at Risk of Leaving School Early -Between Conversion and Resistance, ECER 2023 – the European Conference on Educational Research, European Educational Research Association Glasgow UK 2023.

U.Markowska-Manista, member of the Scientific Committee of the IE Conference: Innovación,  Internacionalización e Inclusión en Educación, September, Spain 2023.

J. Bhabha, V. Digidki, U.Markowska-Manista, J.Dobkowska, Presentation of the results from the research project: Building Inclusion, Sustaining Solidarity: Frontline Host Communities, Distress Migrants, and the Role of States, Cambridge, New York, USA, 2023.

U.Markowska-Manista, J.Dobkowska (maj, 2023), Wizyta studyjna w Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge, Boston USA.

U.Markowska-Manista (online), A.Odrowąż-Coates,  374.2 Research with a Sensitive Group in a Sensitive Context - Participatory Approaches and Counter-Narratives of Young People in Poland, RC25-374.2, XXI ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia, June 2023.https://www.isa-sociology.org/uploads/imgen/1579-isa-wcs2023-book-of-abstracts.pdf

U.Markowska-Manista, Sensitive topics in childhood(s) studies, MACR Summer School, FHP Potsdam, 2023.

U.Markowska-Manista, Podejście skoncentrowane na dziecku i jego (kontr)narracji w badaniach „z dziećmi” i „o dzieciach” ze środowisk migracyjnych – wyzwania i dylematy dorosłych badaczy, konferencja naukowa „WŁASNE GŁOSY” DZIECI? DZIECIĘCE AUTOBIOGRAFIE 16-17 listopad 2023 Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi, Muzeum Warszawy.

K.Sawicki, U.Markowska-Manista, Prezentacja wyników badań testowania narzędzi do projektu badawczego dla Komendy Głównej OHP, dotyczącego sytuacji społeczno-edukacyjnej uczestników OHP w systemie kształcenia i wychowania wobec współczesnych wyzwań rynku zatrudnienia, 2023 https://ohp.pl/aktualnosci/komenda-podlaskie/bialystok-konferencja-podsumowujaca-projekt-badawczy


U.Markowska-Manista, Children, and War in Ukraine: their pictures and voices from the frontline, "Children in Crisis" VIII, Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum and Western Galilee College, Potsdam, 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista, Adultism in research with children, Webinar, Science and Research Centre Koper, COORDINATE project 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista, Practices of the militarisation of childhood(s) and young people’s voices - analyses from the frontline Ukraine and Poland, Workshop on „Critical Approaches to Militarisation and Space“, University of Bonn, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, University of Freiburg, Leipzig, Germany 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista, keynote: Children’s Rights and Participation, Storytelling for Influence: Children’s Multiple Voices to Transform Society, Florida International University, USA, March, 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista, A. Andrychowicz-Trojanowska, M.Żelazowska-Sobczyk, Wokół specjalnych potrzeb (edukacyjnych) uczniów z doświadczeniami migracji – perspektywa glottodydaktyczna, 31. konferencję PTLS, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław kwiecień 2024.

WORKSHOP INFANCIA_C#10:  CHALLENGES AND EXPECTATIONS IN CHILD RESEARCH, UAM (Madrid)  12-14 April 2024 - Co-Organizers:  D. Poveda (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) H. Rodríguez (Universidad de Valladolid) U. Markowska-Manista (University of Warsaw).

U. Markowska-Manista, M. Kołaczek, S. Styrkacz, Podejście partycypacyjne w badaniach ze społecznością - sytuacja ukraińskich dzieci romskich w Warszawie i okolicach, Researching Young Lives 4, SWPS, Warszawa, kwiecień 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista & D.Popa, “Improving exchanges across the divide through education and culture”, EU4Dialogue project, Tbilisi, 2024.

D.Gadowska-dos Santos, U. Markowska-Manista, M. Smulczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)"Laboratorium Wsparcia Dydaktyki” – obserwujemy, pomagamy i zapewniamy przestrzeń do wymiany dobrych praktyk!, IX Ogólnopolska Konferencja Dydaktyki Akademickiej „Ideatorium”, PG, Gdańsk, czerwiec 2024 (poster).

U.Markowska-Manista, Intercultural teaching experiences, Inclusive Teaching. Strategies for embracing the diverse backgrounds and identities of our students, Sorbonne University, 4EU, Coffee Talk on Inclusive Education, June 2024.

J.Kościółek & U.Markowska-Manista, sekcja: Nowe paradygmaty metodologiczne i teoretyczne w badaniach nad dzieciństwem - perspektywy dla studiów nad migracjami, XIII Konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN: Migranci we współczesnym świecie: sprawiedliwość, solidarność, inkluzja. 23-25 września 2024, Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

U.Markowska-Manista,„Badania z wrażliwymi grupami we wrażliwych kontekstach na przykładzie projektu: Jesteśmy nigdzie. Sytuacja dzieci romskich z Ukrainy w świetle badań partycypacyjnych w społeczności", XIII Konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN: Migranci we współczesnym świecie: sprawiedliwość, solidarność, inkluzja. 23-25 września 2024, Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

U.Markowska-Manista, Romani Children’s Experiences of Violence and Coercion - the power of discourses in the context of Poland (Central and Eastern Europe), international workshop: Children’s Experiences of Violence and Coercion in Europe since 1945, University of Konstanz, Germany. 2024 (within the programme ‘Violence in East and West — Towards an Integrated History of 20th Century Europe’).

M.Bitunjac & U.Markowska-Manista, Die pädagogische Vermittlung vom Holocaust aus der Perspektive von Kindern und Jugendlichen, conference: "Die Welt ist in uns... Jüdisches Leben zwischen Zagreb, Sarajevo und Belgrad", Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Oktober 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista keynote: Embracing participation as an important category in social research and transformative change processes. From research to practice, International Conference on Education and Psychology. Innovative perspectives in the digital society, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of Transilvania University of Brasov, Rumania, November 2024 https://icep.unitbv.ro/index.php/keynote-speakers

  • member of scientific committee

U. Markowska-Manista, A.Andrychowicz-Trojanowska, M.Zelazowska-Sobczyk,“Students with Special Educational Needs and Their Rights in the Context of Polish Schools. Research-Based Perspective”, World Congress of Special Needs Education, St Anne's College, Oxford University, Oxford UK, November 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista & K. Sawicki, 724", "Conducting Ethnographic Research in Minors’ Detention Centre in Poland - Looking for Social Justice in the Reality of Educational Practices", Międzynarodowa Konferencja ECER, Nicosia, Cypr 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista & J.Dobkowska, 407", "In Search of Sustainable Rights in Education-an Intercultural Pedagogical Experiment as a Solidarity Policy Mechanism. Narratives of Students, Parents, Teachers" Międzynarodowa Konferencja ECER, Nicosia, Cypr 2024.

Przewodnicząca sesji 34 SES 03 B: School Experiences and Practices on Citizenship Education, EERA e.V. European Educational Research Association, Międzynarodowa Konferencja ECER Nicosia, Cypr 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista, Children with migration backgrounds and special educational needs (SEN) in the Polish context of inclusion, 3rd International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Care, The Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, JICA, UNICEF, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Batumi, 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista, Prawa ekonomiczne dzieci jako prawa człowieka w światach życia dzieci poza „Globalną Północą”, Ekonomie dzieci i ekonomie dla dzieci", Warszawa, Korczakianum, Muzeum Warszawy, XI. 2024.

U.Markowska-Manista, Children rights and  child well-being, conference „CHILD DEVELOPMENT, SAFETY AND WELL-BEING, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs „SOS Edukator”, „Anti-Violence Network of Georgia” , Georgia 2024

Inne aktywności

  • Mentorka w Działaniu IV.5.2. „Program dla młodych badaczek i dydaktyczek w Programie inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza, UW.

  • Tutorka w programie dla Młodych dydaktyków w Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, I i II edycja 2021-2023, EFS, UE; III edycja 2024.

  • Współautorka i współrealizatorka projektu: Laboratorium Wsparcia Dydaktyki WNE, UW 2023-2024.

  • Współorganizatorka Blended Intensive Program (BIP) Erasmus+ „Janusz Korczak’s Concepts of Children’s Rights – Multidisciplinary access to Contemporary Challenges and Approaches for Practitioners and Researchers”, Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, Transilvania University, Rumania, University of Warsaw September 2023.

  • Ekspertka w projekcie: "Rozwój, bezpieczeństwo i dobrostan dziecka. Dywersyfikacja i podniesienie jakości usług przedszkolnych w rejonie Marneuli", MSZ PP, Gruzja 2024.

  • Współorganizacja wizyty naukowej profesorów z Universidad Autónoma de Madrid oraz Universidad de Valladolid, WP UW, Warszawa lipiec 2024.

  • Współorganizatorka (H.Tomaszewska, U.Markowska-Manista, E.Zubala) MIĘDZYUCZELNIANE SEMINARIUM NAUKOWE: Działania profilaktyczno-wychowawcze w zróżnicowanych środowiskach”, WNE, UwB, Białystok 2024, Fundusz Doskonałości Dydaktycznej UW.

  • członkini zespołu eksperckiego: Zespół ds. Partycypacji Dzieci i Młodzieży, przy Rzecznik Praw Dziecka RP, 2024-2027: https://brpd.gov.pl/2024/08/26/nic-o-nas-bez-nas-powstal-zespol-ds-partycypacji-dzieci-i-mlodziezy-wspolna-inicjatywa-rpd-i-unicef-polska/

My website: http://www.contemporarynomad.pl/