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Międzynarodowe Seminarium WPUW, 3 marca, godz. 13.30, sala 507

Uprzejmie zapraszam do udziału w Międzynarodowym Seminarium WPUW. 3 marca (piątek) naszym gościem będzie Seamus Mannion (Youth Advocate Programmes, Dublin, Irlandia), który wygłosi wykład ‘Working to keep high risk youth in their communities, the Youth Advocate Programmes approach’. Spotkanie odbędzie się o godz. 13.30 w sali 507.

Organizatorzy: PTP Oddział Warszawski oraz Zakład Problemów  Społecznych Dziecka i Rodziny

Serdecznie zapraszam,

Dr hab. Waleria Stelmaszuk


Seamus Mannion.

Youth Advocate Programmes. Dublin, Irlandia

Working to keep high risk youth in their communities, the Youth Advocate Programmes approach

ABSTRACT: The service model developed by the Youth Advocate Programmes(YAP) is a response to the broad strategy of providing Community based support to high risk youth & families and is part of National and International strategies of keeping young people out of institutional and residential care and supporting them integrate into their local communities. The presentation will examine how the model was developed as a response to a significant challenge for society of high risk youth and families who traditionally reject school, exhibit antisocial behaviour and end up costing the State/ Local Authorities significantly. We will examine how the model combines the a number of established practices in the context of offering a culturally competent intervention to people who may have challenging behaviour, have Mental Health difficulties, disability or come from cultural minorities, based on the fundamental premise that everyone has strengths. An examination of the intervention in detail will highlight the role of an Advocate who comes from the local community, mentors the young person through their issues, builds a sustainable trusting relationship that impacts on the attitudes, behaviour and outcomes sought. . The presentation will examine the model and its flexibility of approach and its international application.